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The Spoon & The Fork
One afternoon, in your everyday kitchen; Three utensils lived together in the drawer, along with some other tools.
The Knife,
The Spoon,
and the fork.
The three of them lived peacefully, until one day, the spoon realized that the fork was being used more than it. 
This sparked an unwarranted anger inside the spoon. It tried several ways to try and be as special as the fork, but nothing had ever worked. 
However, the spoon wasn't going to give up so easily, but unfortunately, this had meant that the spoon decided to go for a more drastic measure. And so, the spoon tried to throw the fork out. But again, it's plans failed. Time and time again the spoon tried, but with every attempt came failure. This only fueled the fire, and so the spoon grew angrier and angrier each day. Until the knife approached it. 
"What do you want?"
The spoon spat out.
"Why do you hate Fork?"
 Knife asked
"What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb, you aren't even trying to hide it. I've seen you attempt to get rid of Fork so many times, Why?"
Spoon faltered a little.
"If I…"
Spoon hesitates.    
"If I tell you, you better not say anything to Fork about it."
"I'm… I'm jealous of Fork. I'm Jealous of everything Fork has achieved and done. Fork is one of the most used utensils out of all of us and I just thought that if I got rid of Fork I'd be the most used."
"Ah, well that's a silly observation"
"Shut up."
"...I know, I promised Fork not to tell anyone this but, Fork actually feels the same way about you."
"Huh? What do you mean"
"Fork was jealous of you. Fork could only ever do so much. Sure, maybe Fork could hold stuff down and pick things up efficiently but it could never do the things you do. Look at you, you're used for soup, broth, and other things. But in those areas, Fork is nothing. With all of the spaces in between… but Fork never acted on it. All Fork did was try to fix itself, try to be better, try to be you."
"Oh, I never knew that."
"Yeah. You were blinded by anger and jealousy that you didn't even consider how Fork felt, how about instead of both of you ruining yourselves, try and talk it out."
Spoon mumbled, as Knife left with a smile.

Spoon was thinking about what Knife had said. Until It passed by Fork. Fork looked sad but looked up to see Spoon approaching it.
"Oh, hi spoon."
"Hi Fork.. I just wanted to talk about something if that's alright with you."
"Uhm sure, same here actually."
They both walk to a quieter space to chat.
"So uh—"
Fork mumbles out before being interrupted by spoon
"—I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying to get rid of you, I'm sorry for how I made you feel, I'm sorry that I made it worse."
"What are you talking about?"
Fork looks at Spoon with widened eyes.
"I know that you know what I mean. Knife told me how you felt, and I'm so sorry. I had no idea."
"What? I told him not to tell anyo—"
"Don't blame him. He only wanted to help. It's me you should blame, I tried so hard to be like you that I didn't even think about your feelings. I've been selfish, and it hurt us both."
"I'm glad, you finally opened your eyes. And I forgive you. I know, you've tried to get rid of me, I've seen your futile attempts, but no matter how hurt I got, I could never truly hate you."
"How? I did so much, how can you still stand to live in the same kitchen as me. I mean, I'm glad we're here, having this conversation, but why."
"Because, as much as I wanted to be like you, deep down I actually liked you. Hoped that we could be closer, I looked up to you, and your qualities, but as soon as you tried to throw me away I knew I'd never get the chance."
"Hm, proved you wrong didn't I?"
Spoon let out a weak chuckle 
"Yeah, and I'm glad you did."
"I know, that this might be too abrupt after all the things I've done but, I think we could try to be closer. Now that I know what I know now, I'll try to be better, what do you think."
"Yeah, that sounds great, we can finally put this all behind us."

After that, the three utensils lived in peace once again, except this time, closer and happier. But it's not over yet.
1  Year Later
"Hey Fork"
"Yes Spoon?"
"I was just thinking, we've known each other for so long. We've been through so much together."
"Yeah, we have, we've really gone a long way, haven't we."
There's a pause; This time it's calm, and gentle. No malice, no bad intentions, no jealousy. Only the patient waiting of what's to come next.
"I just wanted to ask"
Spoon grabs something from his bag, what looks to be a small bouquet.
Spoon gets down on it's knees, and pulls out another trinket from it's pocket; a small box.
"Will you be my partner?"
Spoon says, holding the box open with a ring inside, along with the bouquet.
"I thought you'd never ask."
The End.

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