A Blur

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The events of the incident were still fresh in Sunny's mind. "She'll be okay...she'll be okay...she'll be...o..kay..." His hands trembled, tears filled his eyes and red and blue lights stained his vision. Kel sat beside him, Aubrey was on his bed, and Hero was on the floor in front of him. Basil slowly entered the room and quietly shut the door, Sunny twitched at the sound of the doorknob. Aubrey sat up and everyone looked at Basil expectantly. "Any news?" Kel tried to steady his words. Basil shook their head and spoke quietly "I-I tried to look at her but the a-adults told me to go inside..." he sat down next to Hero, who was staring at the floor. "Sunny's parents seemed to be arguing..." Basil said that last part in almost a whisper. Everyone sat silently, Sunny was breathing heavily and Kel put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

 Everyone sat silently, Sunny was breathing heavily and Kel put a comforting hand on his shoulder

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Basil occasionally cast glances at Sunny. He knew what happened, they both did. The others only knew what the adults said, "She fell."
Aubrey finally broke the silence, "Is...is Mari gonna be okay...?" Hero finally responded "I-" he paused, "I don't know Aubrey...We'll have to wait and see." Hero fought tears in his eyes, Sunny was still shaking. It all happened so fast, it was a blur.

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