Recuriting the best

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The guys had the cameras playing nothing was different Calum Brad and Liam are watching in case they say anything the others are talking with a map
Niall-so we know one thing they can't be far if they were able to snatch connor quick same with Harry
Ashton-okay so what areas
Tristan-maybe woods what's wooded around here
Ashton circles them and Liam gets an idea
Liam-I know what we need
Liam-extra help
James-but who
Liam-it's time to bring in Zayn
Louis-your sure
Liam-yea besides me who else loves Harry heart and soul
Tristan-give him a call more the merrier
Liam went out to call Zayn
Zayn-Liam hey
Liam-Zayn me Louis Niall 5sos and the vamps need your help
Zayn-what's wrong
Liam-someone has taken Harry Luke and connor
Zayn-what how long
Liam-Luke almost 4 months Harry and connor a week and 2 weeks after Luke so all around 4 months we need more help
Zayn-well of course I love Harry still Luke is my little brother same with connor I'm on my way
Liam hangs up going back inside and telling them the news they nod then Luke's video pops up and they turn to the camera

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