Chapter 2

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Ma'Kyah in the MM. I juss needed to let yall know.

Anissa P.O.V
Me and Kyah was at my house sitting in my room in silence. Then she broke the silence

"NissaBoo im so proud of you for standing up for yourself to that ugly, genderblender thang named Marcus. He look like a Boogerwolf." She said boogerwolf in her Ty$ voice. "You are beautiful. You are my two-toned rider. I see i have rubbed off on you. I taught you well."

"Cocky much Ky? But i love you. I think i deserve a reward."

"What you got in mind? And dont think i didnt notice you calling me a crazy heffa this morning in math class." We started bugging up. "But seriously Niss. What you want. My treat. Its just gotta be under $20 cause thats all i got on me."

"Lets go get some stuff from the new Liquor store around the corner." I said.

" Ighh lets get it. But we walkin cause i aint tryna waste my gas." I swear she can be so cheap sometimes.

At the liquor store

We walked in the store like we owned the place. We thought we was rich cause we had $20. You never know how far $20 can go.

I grabbed Takis, yellow pack M&M's, a soda, and some minty gum. Kyah didnt want anythang so she was behind me. Then this fine darkskin with short dreads in a half up half down style walked up behind us with his stuff.

We payed and he was about to leave out before us. I dont know how but somehow Kyah tripped and her trip caused me to trip cause she was behind me. I bumped into the dude.

"O my gosh im so sorry! My clutz of a best friend tripped and it caused me to trip and stumble onto you. Im so sorry." I said.

"Its fine ma. Just a little scuff on my shoes is all. That can easily be cleaned. By the way you are so beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that?"

I know he knew good and dog on well aint nobody call me beautiful besides my bff and my parents.

"Nope." I said while popping the P. I studied him more. He had short dreads with blond on the tips, pearly white teeth, big plump lips, and small veins were popping out of his fore arm and hands, and he had stud square ear rings. I dont know why but i find the vein thing so cute on a male.

"Well ma, can i have yo number?"

"Ummmmm no. I barely know you and no male has ever even asked me for my number before."

"Well that that can change. We can get to know eachother. And plus youre too beautiful to never have a dude ask for your number."

"Im sorry but no. Maybe when i see you again i guess." I ran out of the store. I get so flustered when i come face to face with a person of the opposite sex. I dont like the words "boy and girl". Males and females dont deserve that title coming from me.

"Kyah you crazy laa female why and how in the world did you trip?"

"Gurl i seent the way you was lookin at him. You obviously thought he was cute. I could see it in your eyes. I was just tryna help you get you a man and get you some girl. I wanna see you share your life with someone special. And give me some little nieces and nephews i wanna be Auntie Kyah."

"You retarded. You know i never had a boyfriend and nobody ever liked me. And if they did, they never had balls big enough to say it to my face."

"Girl one of these days you will find you a good man, yall will settle down, get married and have my little nieces and nephews running around. And maybe the man of your dreams was juss standing right in front of yo face and yeen even know it. You juss aint know it. You new to the game."

Kyah has had about 5-6 boyfriends in her entire lifetime. She not a thottie. No way. I would still love her the same way even if she was. If you talk to her you talk to me. You talk to me you talk to her. You talk to the both of us.....YO BEHIND IS BEST TO PRAY TO JESUS!

I will always love my only sunshine.

I didnt know that boy name back there but all i know was that he was as fine as ever.

I think im doing really good on this new book. Let me knoooo. *Aaliyah voice* give me some feedback and some constructive critisim.


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