stuart "stu" macher

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THERE ARE FIVE STAGES OF GRIEF,everybody goes through these five stages of grief when you lose someone

You lost someone ,you lost stu macher ,the love of you're life ,he went on a murdering rampage with his bestfriend billy loomis and ended up getting killed by Sidney,you couldn't blame her ,she was just protecting herself but you couldn't even look at her

You went through the five stages of grief when stu died

DENIAL, it was the first stage,you were in denial after they told you what stu did and had happened,you didn't believe them and you didn't want to believe that stu was dead

"He's not dead mom,he's okay and alive,he promised that If we both passed our chemistry test we'll go out for ice cream and we both past ,so I'm just gonna sit here and wait for him to show up" you told her taking a seat on the couch ,you're mother watched you with sadness tears in her eye's as you're little sister sat on the stairs while hugging her doll just watching you

"Oh honey" you're mother whispered putting a hand over her chest

"He's gonna be here"

ANGER, anger is the second stage,you stood in you're room after stu's funeral and you look at the picture's you all took and you couldn't help but feel angry

You threw everything off you're desk with a yell before throwing stuff around you're room breaking stuff and shouting

"You asshole!you're a fucking asshole!" You yelled "how can you do this!why the fuck did you do this!" You yelled at nobody ,you grabbed your lamp and threw it at the wall ,the light bulb shattered against the wall and fell to the floor

You panted "fuck you!fuck you!" You shouted as the room to you're door opened and you're father rushed in holding you as you thrashed around angerly

BARGAINING, bargaining is the third stage ,after fixing you're room and replacing all the broken stuff that you had broken ,you started to think about what ifs and if only

What if stu didn't die? What if he didn't kill anybody ,if only stu would've told you but what you had done? If only you were at his party

You were lost in you're mind for a couple of day's before the stage stage hit

DEPRESSION, depression is the fourth stage ,it's like you didn't have any energy left to do anything anymore,you're feeling went numb

You laid in you're bed just staring into nothing ,you're little sister walked into you're room on the second day ,and she lifted up the covers and hugged you from behind

"I miss him too" she whispered and you felt tears start to stream down your face
"He's in heaven now,he's watching over us,especially you,you don't have to worry about him anymore,he's in a good place now" you bit you're lip to hold back a sob

Nobody told you're sister what stu did ,they just told her that he passed away ,of course she was sad and upset about it, he was like a big brother to her ,stu was always at your house and everyone loved him and you love him
He would always play dress up with you're little sister ,once he had to be dressed as a princess and he didn't even complain once ,you both just laughed about it afterwards

"It's okay to be weak, I can be strong for you ,I can be strong for the both of us" you sister said making you let out a sob and she just petted you're head saying it's okay,that you're gonna be okay

ACCEPTANCE , Acceptance is the last stage, you finally accepted that it wasn't all a nightmare and that stu was really gone

You accepted that he really killed all you're friend's,accepted that Sidney had killed him defending herself ,accepted that he would never come back

"Are you gonna be okay?" You're little sister asked and you look at the house that you were leaving behind ,it held so much memories but your parent's decided to move you guy's deciding that it would be best for both of you well just you

"No,I don't think I'm gonna be okay for a while " you answered her and she interlocked her hand with your's gripping it tightly

"Me neither but we're gonna be okay y/n,I promise" she said and you smiled sadly down at her

"Yeah,we are " you said before the both of you got in the car and you're parent's drove out of woodsboro

You went through all five stages of grief but you would never be the same again ,you were leaving woodsboro but some of the memories followed and soon the past would catch up with you
810 word's

Hope you enjoy!

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