Chapter 2- A lost cause

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A/N: This chapter will have an alive Daiya. They never gave him a clear personality so I'll try my best to make him realistic.

Ishimaru's Pov:

After that singular lesson my life changed for good. For the better. I had a new friend! Now that makes two or three. I'm not sure. I had English where we discussed the meaning of every single sentence.
I met up with Chihiro for lunch as usual. He had a rough idea of what was going on. He had talked about it with a Miss Chiaki Nanami who was in our math class apparently. They sat together in History and she had apparently told him about it.
We sat i
"So you're tutoring Mr Mondo Owada now. You two are like two different worlds. Two different entities. Like Binary and Decimal." He said whilst eating his sandwich.
"He's actually really sweet and funny. I bet after speaking to him once you would love him. He's pretty manly."
I could practically see his ears prick up like a cats.
"Manly in what way?"
"Well he has a motorcycle. He's in control of almost every biker gang in Japan and biker gangs are usually filled with strong men. He is pretty fit if I do say myself as well. And he only lives with his brother which is only two manly men in one house." I half bragged. I don't know why I was proud.
"Okay maybe you should be friends with him."
"I have also offered to tutor him and we are hanging out later." I smiled again. My cheeks were almost sore from being this happy.
"That's cool I guess. But you get like this about people and then you get betrayed. I just don't want you getting your hopes up."
"No I think he's actually nice this time. I have a really good feeling about him. I don't gamble but I would bet on our friendship."
I finished off my lunch and went to last period.

I had geography where I sat next to somebody called Gundham Tanaka. I don't understand what he is saying half the time but I like his energy and his hamsters are cute.

I grabbed my bag and considered running in the halls but didn't for obvious reasons. I managed to find locker 204 after a few minutes of searching. After a few minutes Mondo arrived with two of his friends. They waved goodbye to him and sooner or later it was just the two of us.

"So you going to show me your magnificent bike or what?" I teased. I was excited to be honest.
"Jesus Christ you're pushy. I'm surprised you haven't seen it before. I leave it in the bike shed every day." He unlocked his locker and got out two helmets. He proceeded to pass one to me.
"Keep hold of that. And don't drop it, that cost me ¥1500" he grinned.

We walked over to the bike shed.
"Voia fucking La" he said as he showed me his bike. It was covered in silver metal. The wheels were in pristine condition and the leather seat was clearly new. It looked modern and sleek while still having old fashioned glamour.
"Okay I gotta admit that's epic." I said as I stared in awe.
"Wanna have a go? Put on that helmet and hop on."
"Yes please. I would also like to commemorate you for wearing a helmet. It's nice to know you actually know safety laws." I teased. I strapped it on and adjusted it to fit.

Mondo placed himself on the black leather seat.
"You sit in the seat behind. I'm assuming since you're a nerd that you've never rode one of these things before so just hold onto me okay?" He gestured to the seat behind. I got on and wrapped my arms round his waist.
"Not that tight I still need to fucking breath." he insisted.
"Apologies" I complied. For a guy he had a pretty small waist.
"You know nerd, you're the last person I'd ever think I'd right my bike with. Even that gamer chick you're always with came before you." Mondo laughed.
"Oh yeah their names Chihiro. They would love this. And chihiro isn't a girl they're genderfluid."
"You know a lot of my friends don't respect people like you do. I like that about you."
"I don't think I need to be thanked for it. It's just plain decency. I wouldn't like to be called she and some people wouldn't like to be called he."
Mondo turned around. I saw his cheeks get slightly pink. I guess even bikers blush.

I held his waist tight as we rode down the road to where his house would be. Mondo seemed more alive when he rode. Like it ignited a spark deep within him. I saw a deep passion in his eyes when he sat on the bike. The wind teased my short hair and made it stand straight up although it wasn't too noticeable with my really short hair. I felt free just riding. With him.

"Here we are. My lovely mansion." Mondo said sarcastically. We pulled up to a two storey house in a rough area. There was an old Toyota pulled up outside and a few beautiful bikes. The garden was surprisingly neat but the grass seemed dry.  I looked through the window to see a man who looked only a few years older than Mondo. It couldn't be his dad.
"You see that guy in the window?" I nodded. "That's my bro Daiya. He looks tough but he's real nice. My mom sorta left and my dad got killed in a bike accident so it's just the two of us. But between social services and part time jobs we can live by ourselves."

After I watched Mondo fumble with his keys for two minutes, we walked into his house. It smelt of oil and cigarettes. A toxic masculinity den if you will.
"Who's this? Not another gang member mondo we have enough already." I heard a husky voice. I turned around to Daiya in the kitchen. He had wavy brown hair which flowed down to his chest. He was only wearing a tank top and worn embroidered jeans.
"Nah this is Ishimaru. He's offered to tutor me so I'm trying it out. We'll be upstairs in my room." Mondo replied.
"Hello nice to meet you. My name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru." I stretched out my hand to shake his. He shook it and I saw his arms were covered in scars.
Unlike mine they were random and varied in size.
"Hey Ishimaru, my names Daiya. Tell me if you need anything or if you want anyone beaten up. That last part was a joke. Sort of." He smiled.
"Thank you but I think I'll be quite alright." I replied.
I don't think I needed anyone beaten up. I wouldn't want anyone beaten up. At least not now.

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