“Hurry, up the guest will be arriving soon.” It was just barely six and she wanted Mackenzie out of the kitchen, hidden in the depths of the basement. Mackenzie left the kitchen running into the rest of the family.

“What is she still doing up here.” A blonde girl said, her hair matching her mother’s blonde but falling only to her shoulders and she has the same dark green eyes of her father. There is another girl cowering behind the blonde, she had green eyes and black hair falling to the middle of her back.

“I sent her down, she just isn’t moving fast enough.” Michelle shouts from the kitchen. Mackenzie tries to squeeze by but Derrick isn’t letting her go anywhere. He steps close to her placing his hand on her hip.

“I can help her down stairs.” Derrick says, Mackenzie backs away, Derrick was giving her the creeps. She saw what was in his eyes, lust. She has seen it when she goes to the casino’s with her friends, the older men giving her the same eyes. They at least knew not to touch, Mackenzie thought.

“You have to go get ready, I will deal with her.” Robert grabs her arm, leaving bruises where his hand laid.

“My wife has enough to deal with, and my daughter, none of us need to worry about you.” He opened the door to the basement throwing Mackenzie down the stairs. She felt everything, with each thud she felt piercing pain through her body. She reached the bottom of the stairs, not daring to stand just yet. She wasn’t locked in the room she woke up, but just let free in the basement. She looks around finding a small window just big enough for her to fit through. She decided to make a plan, party started soon she thought. By eight it would be if full swing and she would run. She glances down at her unique watch. Her parents gave it to her it wasn’t anything special except for her name engraved and a crest of her families symbol placed in the middle. Less than two hours to go she read.

 She waited in the corner, hearing numerous people, but none of them even bother to try the basement door. She waited and waited, it turned eight but she wanted it to be a little louder, the party music stopped placed with the voices of people singing.

If it was any other day Mackenzie would have questioned people singing happy birthday at somebody’s half birthday but right now she was more focused on dragging her body through the window. The pain from falling down the stairs became more potent when she lunged herself through, dragging her ribs across the dirt from the outside. But in her mind it was worth it. She drags her knees across the ground army crawling until her body is fully out. Nobody is around; she gets up running for her life. She makes it away from the party, the music becoming quite background.

She thinks all she has to do is find a near town and tell the cops about the crazy people. She would keep the werewolf thing a secret, she knew she would end up in an insane asylum if she talked about that. But first, she has to find safety.

She was running, small breaths of air making it out of her lungs. It hurt her, from that days beatings, plus she was never in shape. She was on the chubby side and now she was kicking herself for never bothering to go to the gym. She hears a twig snap on the side and she picks up her speed, her legs are burning but she needed to get away. She is slammed on the side tumbling down the side of the hill. A giant black wolf is on her, its canines grabbing her neck enough to pierce but not enough to kill. She doesn’t want to die, she isn’t ready. She isn’t religious but she starts to pray to God. Hoping that he will help her out

“Where do you think you were headed?” A voice says from the side. She doesn’t move her neck, the wolf is still biting it. But she already has his voice memorized. Robert.

“I just want to leave, please I won’t tell your secret. Just let me go.” Mackenzie pleads. Tears start to fall down her face.

“Sure I will let you go.” Robert says. She moves her head to look at him, but flinches back when she feels the canines pierce a bit further into her throat, she can feel a cooling sensation slither down her neck.

“Thank you.” Mackenzie says, but stops when she can hear the guy laughing.

“Do you think I’m serious? Stupid bitch.”  Robert says, more tears start to run farther down her cheek, mixing with the blood. She just wants to go home. She doesn’t care about the drama, Becky can kiss whoever, and Sally should love whoever, she will put up with all of it. “Son take her home,” Robert says, the wolf changes back to reveal a smiling naked Derrick lying on top of her.

“Oh father I will.” Derrick says, he picks Mackenzie up, throwing her over his shoulder, his hands grabbing her ass to prevent her from falling, but also to feel her up. Mackenzie starts to scream. She is thrown on the ground Derrick straddling her. “Please do scream, it turns me on.” He whispers in her ear, she starts to pound his chest but he doesn’t even seem fazed by it. She looks around the father has left them, she isn’t surprised. The guy is just as evil as Derrick. Derrick grabs her breast, she takes it as her advantage to knee him in the groin. She stands making a run for it but Derrick has her pinned to a tree. “Bitch.” He back hands her, cutting the skin open on her cheek, blood oozing down the side of her face.

“I will kill you.” She musters out, staring him directly in the eye.

“We both know you can’t.” Derrick says, he grabs her neck bringing her head forward. “Oh and this is for kneeing me in my jewels.” He pushes her neck back, smashing her head into the tree.

She is still awake, feeling the pain of the headache coming on.

“Screams are hot, blood everywhere, not so much,” Derrick says, he looks down at Mackenzie, the blue shirt now dripping with blood, “but don’t worry I will get my way with you one day.” Derrick whispers in her ear, he grabs her forearm dragging her back to the house. The party is still going on, but he doesn’t care he just throws her through the window she came out of. She collapses on the floor, enjoying the cold surface on her face. Derrick comes down the stairs a second later the family following.

“How dare she ruin my party.” Sandy says, bringing her foot into Mackenzie stomach. Sandy keeps kicking her in the stomach, not even stopping to take a breath.

“Stop,” Everybody looks over at the other sister. “I will take care of her for you, um, you should go back to the party. Remember it is your birthday after all.” Sandy fixes her outfit, giving a small smile to her younger sister.

“You’re right, I must go entertain my guest.” Sandy says, she fixes her black skirt that lands just below her but, and pulls down a cut up blue halter top, walking up the stairs fixing her hair.

“Don’t forget I want to talk to Gage, he will be your future mate after all.” Michelle says, following her daughter up the stairs.

“Don’t worry guys, I have this.” The other daughter says, kicking Mackenzie in the stomach. They nod heading up the stairs leaving the girl alone with Mackenzie. “Oh shit, Oh shit, please tell me you are alive.” The girl asks in a worried voice. Mackenzie looks up to find the girl kneeling over her bringing a towel over her cuts. “Thank god.” The girl says. Mackenzie was confused, wasn’t she supposed to hurt her, torture her, kick her in the stomach. But instead this girl was trying to heal her cuts. “I’m Jasmine.” She smiles down at Mackenzie. Mackenzie smiles back, placing her head on the floor letting the darkness take over.

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