Chapter Six

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The first week of school took a dragging point especially considering it was now only Wednesday and I couldn't wait for Friday. We all were going to be driving down to Mississauga Friday night me Carmen ari Hannah eli Jacob James and Jeremiah and get a Airbnb for the weekend I knew this weekend was going to be interesting for sure I headed into the gym lockers happy this was my last block for the day getting changed into gym attire

" heyyy you got lotion " Hannah peeked around from her locker on the other side

" Yeaa " I popped my locker open grabbing out the shorts tank top and lotion I handed her the lotion changing my clothes out and stuffing my other clothes back into the locker Hannah came back over handing me the lotion and sitting on the bench to tie her shoe

" just a reminder the game starts at seven tonight and don't forget to pick your uniform up from coach she's usually in room 227 " I shook my head forgetting I had to pick that up earlier

" I knew there was something I was forgetting earlier " i did put a sticky note in my locker to pick it up today but as if Jeremiah would give me peace at our daily meet up

" was it really a forgot or a ' Jeremiah wouldn't leave me alone so I chose class' " she quoted around the last part standing up from the bench

" you know Jeremiah so do I really have to answer that " I laughed closing my locker heading into the gym with her

" your right , I still vote both of you are so blind but when you have babies let me name them " I stuck a finger in my mouth pretending to throw up Heading over to my gym spot for stretches

" alright we are going to warm up a quick five minutes and then everyone is going to split back into their teams from Monday for volley ball " the teacher shouted echoing through out the gym after some quick body stretches we were split back in front of the net with Hannah and Carmen on the other side and Ariana on mines " the first team to get to 20 wins and if we can do it before the period is over free play team two is serving first today " she smacked the ball over to our side and blew the whistle letting us know to serve

Halfway into the game I walked off the court for both the sanity of myself and the sake of the other person. since Monday I've been having this little nit picking issue that I've tried so hard not to take far knowing how far I could really take it and for what the problem was ? I wasn't sure considering I didn't even know the girl the more I thought about it I could only assume the problem had to be Jeremiah of course

" Ms . London if you want your grade you have to finish out " she yelled out to me as I walked towards the locker room I rolled my eyes telling myself the middle finger would be high key unnecessary

" bathroom" I decided was the best response  back as I disappeared into the girls locker room I sat on the first available bench laying back taking my phone out the gym shorts To scroll through my social medias it beats going back to class and whipping the bleachers with her face for sure

After a while I scrolled over to FaceTime clicking on amayas contact

" hey bitch " she shouted answering on the third ring

" your irking " I laughed still slightly irritated

" you have the curb stomping face on who did it ?" I think this is why we clicked for so long mya was the yin to my yang except when she was being the Gina to my pam

" I think I gained a hater we'll call her , and I'm sure it all ties back to this boy that I don't even want , let alone would ever take serious " I scoffed making a stink face

" look at you , you haven't scrapped her across the cafeteria floor yet I'm surprised " she laughed before looking up with a huge grin getting up and walking " kiss my ass make sure you tell her that part too " she yelled back to im guessing the teacher this time I laughed

Bad Things Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ