the ceo can only slowly nod his head and avoid eye contact. the last thing he heard is doyoung's loud and dramatic gasp filling the whole room.

"he confessed, didn't he?" doyoung continued to ask. mark nodded his head once again, but at this point, his face is probably as red as a tomato. "so... what now? boyfriends?"

the superior is quick to avert his gaze back up, "you're the first person to know about this." he noted. 

doyoung threw his hands in the air as he nodded his head, "alright. i see, i see."

at the same time, the door opened once again, revealing the ceo's secretary with a cup of coffee on his hands. 

he immediately made his way closer to the ceo, giving him the coffee, which mark gladly accepted. donghyuck then looked at doyoung that's standing in front of the older. looks like mark didn't scold him too hard, donghyuck assumed to himself.

"i'll head out first." doyoung was the first to break the silence between them. he gave the ceo a bow before patting donghyuck's shoulders, instantly looking away in attempt to hide his smile.

donghyuck just nodded his head looking at doyoung who was making his way out of the room. he quickly averts his gaze back to the older with furrowed brows, "what did you do to him?"

mark's brows perked up, "hm? what are you talking about?"

"did you scold him too hard?" donghyuck continues to ask.


the ceo didn't answer his question, instead, he wrapped his arms around the latter's waist, pulling him closer, before resting his chin on his shoulder. "i love hugging you..." he softly whispers while his hands are busy rubbing circles on donghyuck's back.

"you didn't answer my question." the younger replied yet still wrapped his arms around the older's neck.

mark breathes out a laugh as he shook his head, "nope. nope, i didn't." 

"alright, then let's go back to work?" as much as he wants to just cuddle with his boyfriend right now, they're still at a workplace.

once again, mark shook his head as a no before pulling the younger closer if that's even possible. "let me hold you a little more." donghyuck just let him as he thought mark just wanted a little innocent hug—not until he felt something wet on his neck.

he only realized what the older was doing when he felt a bite on his neck. "mark!"

as a reply, mark pushed donghyuck's body towards his table, making the latter walk backward, and trapping him. he pulls away and saw donghyuck already blushing, causing him to let out a chuckle. 

"do you want to tell people about us?" mark suddenly asks. he's going to admit it, it does feel nice when he told doyoung earlier that he's already donghyuck's boyfriend.

donghyuck blinked a few times as he tried to process what the older just said. "people? like a public announcement?"

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