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donghyuck made his way towards the lounger area, and mentally thanked the three earlier for taking him around the office so this can be an easy job for him.

pushing the door open, he looked around the area first in awe. this area was surely huge, donghyuck thought to himself. he finally dragged his feet towards the coffee.

the first thing he did is to fill it with water before grabbing the filter and scooped two spoons of the ground coffee. lastly, brewing it. he stepped back a little to grab a cup on the side of the machine before placing it under.

the coffee finished in an instant, so donghyuck grabbed a small plate to put the coffee on before slowly heading back to the ceo's office. he made sure to not spill even a small drop of the liquid because he needs to earn a good impression from the superior knowing that it was his first time making coffee for him.

before he knew it, he's now standing in front of the door and with one hand he opened it.

he saw the two of them busy talking to each other, yet he didn't bother to eavesdrop whatever conversation they were having. "here's your coffee, mr. lee." he placed the small plate that has the cup of coffee on top and gave him a small bow.

at first, he thought his job was done here not until he heard his name being called when he was halfway out of the office.

"donghyuck?" mark lee calls out, which caused the said name to look around. the ceo received a small 'yes?' from the younger male so he continues, "what's my schedule for today?"

"your schedule for today is pretty much clear, mr. lee." donghyuck told shooting the superior a friendly smile, thankful that he double-checked the ceo's schedule earlier.

jeno's lips curved into a small smile, "perfect!" he cheered, catching the younger off guard with how loud his voice is.

donghyuck looked at him confused. why is he suddenly cheering like he won something and why is his ceo had his palm on his forehead as if he just got his heartbroken.

"now i don't see any reason why you should decline my offer, mr. lee." jeno told while fixing his necktie.

the older brushed his finger through his hair before releasing a sigh. he leaned back and made eye contact with his secretary. he nods his head before saying, "you may leave."

the younger, intimidated, immediately did as told. he bowed first before finally closing the door, and with shaky legs, he traveled back to his desk.

"come on! it's been so long since i had lunch with my beloved friend." jeno reasons out, "so, what's your answ—"

"it's not like i have a choice, right?" mark cuts him off. he looked up to check the time.

while donghyuck is busy making coffee for the ceo on the other side of the floor, jeno on the other hand decided to finally bring up the topic of why he's here. he invited the older to have lunch with him for some unknown reason.

"is that a yes?" jeno asked slowly, anticipating a yes from the older's mouth.

mark rolled his eyes and got back to typing what he left minutes ago, "yeah, whatever."


"hey, donghyuck?"

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