Olivia doesn't return in time, but you don't worry, knowing your friend would have no trouble finding her way around. As for you, being Ariana's "staff", you were put in charge of overseeing her performance. So you were situated at the standing pen, observing everyone prepare.

When she faced your direction, you turn your head to see who she was looking at. You only realized that it was you when she tried to hide her smile behind her hand.

You felt compelled to move when she made her way towards you as quickly as she could in her black ball gown.

You met her at the edge of the stage where she had squatted down, her hands draped across your shoulders. "Tell me how the whole thing looks from the audience."

Her voice rose at the end, making it sound like a request. Tilting your head up, you replied, "It looks spectacular. Especially your dress and the orchestra at the back. Show-stopping material."

The smile you were rewarded with was brighter than the spotlights above. "I have to go get the show on the road then," Ariana said, playing with the baby hairs behind your neck. "Can't wait to blow your mind."

If not for the split-second glint in her eyes, you would have been fooled by her angelic aura. For the second time, she shifted closer towards you, only to jerk backward, as though she was catching herself from doing something. You didn't have this realization at that time, more concerned with Ariana losing her balance.

Your torso hit the stage as you surged forward, arms extended in an attempt to act like a wall or some sort of safety net.

The heart-dropping sensation only subsided when she stopped wobbling. However, in the absence of adrenaline and fear, a throbbing pain grew sharper around your kneecaps.

"You good?" You asked in a voice you hoped would sound casual, ignoring the ache.

Her words shook a little when she spoke. "Y-yeah," She cleared her throat, looking away while doing so, "I'm fine. Are you okay? I heard a thud."

Your arms went back to your side. "I'm okay. Nothing I can't handle. I'm just glad I'm not responsible for breaking Ariana Grande's bones." You let out a small smile, hoping to lighten the mood. It worked, with Ariana returning one. From the corner of your eyes, you saw someone motioning towards you and Ariana. "Looks like everyone is good to go. I shouldn't keep you any longer then."

Ariana's head swiveled around, seeing the same things you witnessed. "Right. I'll see you after the show." She paused a little, teeth sinking lightly into her lips like she was in contemplation. A slight shake of her head told you she was dismissing whatever thought she had. Instead, she stood up slowly and headed back to the center of the stage. Your hands went back up to their earlier position, poised in front of you until you were sure there was no possibility of her falling.


The lights dimmed slowly before a sudden beam shone solely on the singer. As the orchestra moved collectively, the notes started stringing together into your favorite song of hers.

You thought hearing Ariana sing up close before showed you how amazing a performer she was, and how she would be the same for this concert.

You could not have been more wrong in your life. It was not the same when there was fancy lighting that made her shine even brighter than you thought possible, the accompanying live orchestra and her voice, god, her voice reverberating around an empty stadium - so raw and powerful and controlled and freeing - changing pitch and notes as easily as breathing, making every song better than you could have ever imagined.

It was utterly disbelieving how she could sound so heavenly and could carry a myriad of emotions in her voice. You could only shake your head in awe when she pulled off yet another high note, smiling when she did after the ending of each song.

positions (Ariana Grande/You)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang