XXIII - Truth for Truth?

Start from the beginning

When no one answered her, she took the keys from her pocket.

"Uh..." Bird held her hand up to the sides to show Jerome she wasn't trying anything and walked towards the door, "Just a moment!"

Unlocking the door just enough to see her, Bird was all too aware of the gun Jerome still had trained on her just out of sight from Lee.

She'd heard the keys jangling and knew it was bad enough Jerome had one hostage and for all she knew Jerome might shoot the next person who walked in.

"Hey." Bird greeted.

"Hey..." Lee's brows raised, "What are you doing in there?"

"Just looking for a band aide." She tried to cover and not appear rattled.

"What's going on?" Lee craned her neck, trying to see past Bird.

"Nothing." Bird argued.

"Yeah?" Lee was still trying to see around her, "Then why won't you open the door?"

Opening the door a little wider, but making sure to keep Jerome hidden from sight, Bird asked, "Happy?"

Lee stepped closer, leaning against the frame of the doorway and assuming Bird was still trying to avoid people like she'd done earlier when she'd started to spiral into a panic attack, she quietly said, "Look, I'm not going to tell anyone about the panic attack if that's what you're worried about."

"Thanks." Bird started to shut the door, but Lee moved closer, palm flat against the door to stop her from closing it.

"There's no reason to be embarrassed-" Lee started to say. Her attempt to comfort Bird halting with a gasp as she spotted fallen officer on the floor, "What did you do?"

She pushed her way into the room before Bird was able to stop her.
Lee knew with getting a better look she could see the officer on the floor wasn't just injured -he was dead.

"What did you do?" Lee loudly repeated. Voice cracking from panic.

"I didn't do it!" Bird defended; seeming insulted.

Before Lee had a chance to respond the door to the room was slammed shut and someone grabbed her.
A hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming and a gun pointed at the side of her head.

Jerome rasped into her ear, followed by a chuckle.

Bird made a move towards the door, but was brought to a stop when Jerome turned the gun on her her.

Lee, who was still squirming under Jerome's hold on her, tried to yell something against Jerome's hand but his grip muffled her words.

Jerome started to laugh again, slowly. The sound was he was making sounded painful.

He cleared his throat.

"Now, I've got two of you." He commented.
Seeming rather proud of his steadily growing collection of hostages.

He ordered, motioning with the gun towards a stool beside the metal table he'd woken up on.

Not seeing another option, Bird did as she was told and once he released his hold on her, Lee followed suit, sitting on the other stool.

Jerome hummed pacing back and forth in front of them.

Lee's eyes moved along with him, watching as he went.
While Bird was more focused on the gun he was holding.
Obsessionally she'd glance over to the door trying to gauge if she had a real chance at escape or not.

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