VI - Bird in Flight

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"Harv? Hey..." Jim started to ask him what he was doing there so early before Bird spoke before he got the chance.

"About time." She said with a tight smile.

Jim looked back to see she was no longer sitting at the table. She was now standing in the living room with them, her purse already slung up on her shoulder.

Now he understood why Bird hadn't left and kept checking the time. She'd been waiting on Bullock.

"You called Harvey to babysit me?" Jim realized.

"Come on." Bullock slapped a heavy hand on the back of Jim's shoulder, "You and me heading into GCPD. It'll be just like old times."

Jim did his best to offer up a friendly smile in his direction, but fell the gesture fell short.

Not only had Bird called someone to keep an eye on him, but apparently had also filled Bullock in on what was going on and didn't trust him to be alone.

"Don't be mad." Bird stepped up to him, much closer than necessary, "He's just going to make sure you stay alive while I'm gone at the press rally."

"Yeah." Bullock practically snorted, "Penguin for mayor."

With an abrupt head-turn, Bird shot the detective a look that could have scorched the earth where he stood.

Then with the same abruptness she faced Jim again. An expectant look on her face.

"I understand." Jim agreed. His gaze falling to the floor and then back up to her face when she didn't say anything or go anywhere.

"I'm not mad." His eyebrows raised. Not sure what she was waiting on him to say at this point.
He still wasn't exactly happy she'd called someone to watch him while she away, but he understood.
At this point he couldn't entirely trust himself.

Bird's eyebrows shot upwards on her forehead. Matching his expression but still not speaking.
Still waiting for something.

When she cocked her head ever so slightly to one side and continued to stare at him with barely any open space between them, Jim finally understood.

She was waiting on him to kiss her.
More so daring him to. After all she knew he wasn't one for public displays of affection.

Leaning in, Jim pressed his mouth to hers.
Dare accepted.

With a smile on her lips. Bird stepped back from the kiss and said, "I'll call you when the rally is over."

Jim nodded.

She started out the door, but then stooped in the doorway and looked back to Bullock.

"I got it." He spoke before she could. Knowing what she was going to say about him keeping Jim off the ledge until she could meet back up with him.
Jutting a thumb to his own chest be promised, "Uncle Harvey's got this. Don't worry."

Her nose wrinkled. She'd asked him several times to stop referring to himself as Uncle Harvey.

Once she was out of sight, Bullock looked back to Jim, who avoided his eyes and said, "I'll grab my coat."

"Yeah. Yeah." Bullock called after him.

Now alone in the living room, Bullock took his hat off and rubbed a hand through his hair.

The city seemed to be going to hell again. Not that it ever stopped; but the bad seemed to come in waves.

Not only was Penguin trying to be mayor, but they had a woman in holding at the station with poison in her blood who's brother was obsessed with her and hypnotized Jim into nearly killing himself.

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