Truehearted (SMUT) (Nick)

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"Ugh!" Nick groaned, walking into the locker room, kicking off his sneakers.

Quickly, I looked up to him and he looked exhausted, clearly frustrated, expressing that more when he aggressively threw his headband at the floor. 

"The match was that rough, babe?" I asked, truly concerned, but he was silent, plopping down on the floor, in front of the couch I was sitting at. 

"Baby," I whined, scooting up so that he was sitting between my legs, "Talk to me."

Nick took in a deep breath, exhaling hard, his head hanging low when he mumbled, "This doesn't feel right."

"What exactly?" I asked, "I told Matt those tight ass clothes and all that flashy stuff is gonna get to y'all after a while."

"No, babe," Nick huffed, "What we're doing, it's not right. The Elite isn't right."

"Care to explain why?" I asked nervously, curious to know more. 

"The things were doing. Cheating, jumping people, being too rough in the ring," Nick whispered, "All of it just feels wrong and I feel like shit for it. Like I'm turning into some evil villain."

Nick was always good at heart and I knew he wasn't lying to me. The tone of his voice alone was enough to confirm it, let alone his aggressiveness that he expressed when he came in. 

"Nick," I sighed deeply, sitting up straight and massaging his shoulders, "You are not evil and I know that you don't mean any harm. You're aren't hurting anyone because if you did, you would be in some deep shit, believe me."

As I spoke and kept massaging his shoulders, I could feel him relaxing, his muscles not so tense, keeping it up when I continued with:

"Right now, going back to the old ways, the Bullet Club and Elite days, it's what's best for business right now and you know how drastically that can change. There's always something in demand. Right now, that's you guys kicking ass. No matter what, you'll always be the amazing, pure hearted man that I fell in love with. The fans love you, Matt loves you, Kenny loves you and I love you too. More than you'll ever know."

There was a smile on Nick's face when I leaned down, kissing his cheek, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"I don't know what I'd do without you, baby," He smiled, kissing me softly. 

"I know the feeling when it comes to you," I whispered against his lips, "Now Let's get you in the shower. You're really sweaty."

My comment made him laugh, agreeing with me, "A shower sounds nice."

"Get your gear off and grab a towel. I'll get the shower started," I cooed, doing as much as I could to raise his spirits. 

The water was nice just like he loved it. I had his soap and all ready for him. Right when I finished, Nick came into the bathroom, the towel wrapped around his waist. 

"Enjoy your shower baby. I'll go get your clothes ready," I smiled, kissing his cheek. 

"You're too good to me," Nick smirked, kissing my cheek too. 

"You wrestled like hell out there. You take care of me when I have rough nights. I have to do the same for you," I explained, making him smile even more. 

"You're still too good to me," Nick chuckled, "Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome," I smiled, going out and getting his clothes. 

I could still tell he was thinking about everything and while I sat out his clothes, I noticed there were two outfits in our suitcases, which gave me an idea. 

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