Best Friends Brother (SMUT) (Matt)

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"Hey, you'll be okay by yourself for a second right?"

We had such a long day of traveling and all I wanted to do was lay down, but still being kind, looking to Nick from the bed:

"You want me to go pick up the food? I know you're tired."

"It's okay," He smiled, heading to the door, "I have some stuff to handle with Brandon anyhow. You relax."

"You're the best, Nick," I smiled, laying back in bed. 

Nick was the best friend I could ever ask for, even while tired, he was still doing stuff for us to have a good night before the show. But the second Nick walked out of the door, I jumped at my phone ringing. 


The one thing that drained my energy in this friendship was how hard I was crushing on Matt. I was just afraid that it would hurt Nick and I's friendship, like that's his older brother. 

Any time I talked to Matt, my body naturally made a sweet voice, answering: 

"Hey Mattie."

"Hey girl," He had the same sweet voice, asking, "I'm on my way to the hotel. You and Nick made it right?"

"Yeah, I'm just hanging out," I smiled up at the ceiling, loving the sound of his voice, "Nick just went out to get us some food with Brandon."

"Nice," Hearing some footsteps in the background, I could tell he was close, "You won't be alone here in a minute. Just got here."

"Okay, I'll see you in a second," I sat up in bed when I hung up, straightening up the room knowing Matt and I would be alone. 

Just the thought was making my heart race, but sat in bed, cool as a cucumber when Matt walked in. 

"Theres my girl," He smiled while stepping in, putting up his suitcase and taking off his shoes. 

One thing that always aroused my curiosity was how Matt acted different when Nick wasn't around. When Nick was around, quiet, would stay platonic, but alone? He was really himself. 

My cheeks heated up by the way he said that, calling me his girl? Not  looking at him directly I still answer, "And there's my Mattie."

It surprised me that there was a moment of awkward silence, Matt was straightforward about it, reading my body language at the end of the bed:

"Why are you always so nervous when we're alone?"

"Nervous?" I chuckled to play it off, but damn it, I sounded nervous, and Matt? Was he a mind reader? 

Hitting the nail on the head, he laid on the bed, head resting in his hands and kicking his feet, smiling: 

"I know why."

"I'd love to hear your answer," I was already racing through thoughts about how this would go, defeated when he answered:

"You like me."

Nothing was my response, but he kept reading me like a book and added:

"And I bet the only reason why you haven't made a move is because of Nick?"

"He's my best friend," I looked down, letting him know he was right, fidgeting with my hands, "I just don't want it to make anything weird you know?"

"I know," He acknowledged, but was smiling, "But it's your life. If you want something, go for it. If you want me-"

Connecting with his gaze, I stared deeper while he crawled up the bed a little to be closer, a smirk on his face:

"Go for it, because I'm tired of beating around the bush."

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