"I really mean it, Ray." He found my lips with his again, and we felt perfect for one another. "Thank you for being you and for loving me back. Just always remember how much you mean to me." He kissed my nose and I nodded softly. No one could falter my smile now.

"Let's get out of here, baby." He slowly slipped his hand into mine.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Not a single minute of this could be described as fun. I had to stand off to the side and bite my tongue to keep myself from showing any faces that would indicate how much I was against this. My slim fingers gripped on to the black suit jacket I held in my hands for him.

I didn't watch as they put the wand against his skin, and I pretended not to hear the sharp breath he drew in when it began. I felt like a horrible person because the first thought that crossed my mind was: serves you right to feel a little pain.

His father was ecstatic as he placed a hand over my shoulder to make me feel included in this family affair. His mother didn't seem to mind either as she watched every second of her baby's moment. I must have been the only one who couldn't pay attention. What a lovely group to spend my life with.

The applauses of this fickle lot were the entertaining part. I had never met a group so willing to jump at the command of someone who wasn't even a pure blood himself.

A disgrace to the bloodline of Salazar, if you ask me.

But he saw himself as a king, and so did the other misfortune souls that followed after him to clear the world of Mud-bloods and sympathizers.

"How does it look?" Graham's husky voice asked as he flexed his burned forearm for me to see. His white sleeve was rolled up to the elbow to make room for his new tattoo. The black ink carved a spot on his porcelain skin, and it would be there for me to see forever.

The Mark. Disgusting.

"Amazing." I beamed. I handed his jacket back over to him so he could take it. This life should be enough to win me an Oscar. "I just need to use the bathroom really quickly, and then I'll be right back." I straightened his dark green, silk tie with my shaking fingers and grinned at him.

"Don't be long. Mum said dinner will be served in a few." He said in a deep voice. He was distracted quickly by his father's praise, and his mother's weeping that her only son had grown too quickly. I used it as my moment to slip out.

My pace quickened when I entered the empty corridor, and I made a break for it. I sprinted as best as I could in my heels, and turned the corner for the nearest bathroom.

The knob didn't budge in my hand, but as soon as the occupant opened the door, I shoved past him and kneeled on the ground.

"Woah." I listened to that voice blabber away in potions class too frequently to not comprehend who it had come from. Part of me was glad it was him instead of a stranger that would've embarrassed me further. "Easy with the champagne next time, sweet thing. It's stronger than they let on." He snickered behind me.

I shivered from his touch on my neck, but relaxed as he held my curls out of my face and let me do what needed to be done.

"I guess throwing it up is better than the hangover that would've followed." Theo sighed. I flushed the toilet, but kept my head down incase more sickness decided to come up my throat.

"I haven't had champagne yet." I told him bluntly.

"Oh, Christ. Don't tell me you're going to have a little Montague running around in 9 months." That was a thought that made even more vomit leave my mouth.

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