|W.I| The Night Fades Away

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-Mentions of gang violence
-Intense language/scenes
-Mentions of blood/death

Wakasa Imaushi: "The Night Fades Away"


"This is terribly boring"

The white leopard glanced around at the members of a rivaling gang that has gone up against the black dragons on more than one occasions, although, they always used sneaky tactics to get their way.

"Don't be such a complainer! I still believe that we can settle this peacefully" Shinichiro said with a bright smile, the smile that had caused many people to follow his path of peace.

"Our weak king said that we won't fight them so we won't" Benkei said with a shrug causing Shinichiro to snap his head into his direction. "Will you shut up?!"

A man wearing a black and red gang uniform with swirls running along the sleeves had stepped forward, besides him was a shorter individual with a similar uniform. Although they had a hood pulled over their head and a mask covered the entirety of their face.

"Can't believe that after all of these encounters, we're finally meeting the people that have been giving the orders" Wakasa mumbled, crossing his arms as he narrowed his eyes at the two. "My my, have we made the black dragons upset?"

The man stepped forward with a sly grin on his face as he beckoned for the individual besides him to step forward as well, which they immediately followed.

Shinichiro stepped forward as well with a small smile on his face. "We won't fight you guys!" he said as he held his arms out. "We don't want to resort to violence, there's got to be an easier way to settle this! Perhaps you guys can join us, we can expand-"

The man cut him off, "Not interested"

Shinichiro simply brushed him off. "What's your name? I'm Shinichiro Sano" he said with a smile and the man chuckled lightly, "My name is Neo and I'm well aware of your identity" he said and Takeomi stepped forward. "I'm the vice president, Takeomi Akashi" he continued "I'm assuming that the boy besides you is your vice president"

Neo simply smiled at the male, not answering his assumptions. "What's his name?"

Neo laughed "We aren't here to give you guys some friendly introduction, we're here because we want to destroy you guys......what aren't you understanding?" he questioned with amusement laced in his tone as he glanced down at the figure besides him. "Aren't they just the most idiotic men you've ever interacted with?"

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