Tenth Chapter: Let's Chill

Start from the beginning

"No I'm for real let's sing come on please" Navy says smiling at him.

"Alright, come on you start it off cause I'm not good with that shit" Devante said looking down at his keyboard as he focus what he was doing.

He started playing the song looking at Navy before she sung while she took a deep breath and sat up straight in the chair while she started singing it out of nowhere.

"I doooo love youuuu you can have a piece of my love" Navy sung pointing at Devante while Devante felt it as he was speechless then Navy egged on. "It's waiting for youuuuu"

Then It was Devante part coming up as it was real simple to sing, "Girl, it's trueeee"

Navy joined in with the hard vocals. "I-I-I-I you can have a piece of my love It's waiting for youuuu"

"Girl it's trueeee" Devante sung in his deep voice.

"Baby you can have all of meeeee" Navy sung so perfectly before the door came opened.

"Who the fuck is t-that?" Dalvin said entering Devante room with Derek.

Devante and Navy turned around to look back at them distastefully.

"Oh that lovely voice you hearing was Navy" Devante said looking at Dalvin.

"That's Navy's voice wow she sounds good" Derek said admiring Navy talent.

"Well thank you and you must be Derek right?" Navy said standing up to give him a hug.

"Yeah, I'm Derek how you doing?" Derek said trying to make his voice deep like his brother Devante.

"I'm doing good nice to meet you so you're the youngest out of your brothers?" Navy said to Derek.

"Oh nice to meet you too, and yeah it is true but they're only like a couple years older them me so how old you is pretty girl?" Derek says flirting a little as Dalvin slaps the back of his head.

"How is you flirting you ain't hit puberty yet" Dalvin said looking over at Derek as he became so embarrassed.

Devante and Navy started laughing.

"Oh don't hate the player hate the game bro" Derek said laughing when he said it as Dalvin shook his head.

"Anyways, so De what we gonna do about the group It's been longer than two days since we worked on music and we still haven't heard anything from the hailey brothers you don't think they quit the group, do you?" Dalvin said getting worried now.

"What the hell they haven't showed up to the studio?" Navy said confusedly.

Dalvin looked right at Navy while catching a attitude. "We don't have a studio! we only work here"

Navy looked like a fool in front of everybody so she just dropped her head low.

"Listen how about me and Navy go over there and check on them so we can end this mess once and for all" Devante says as he stood up grabbing his car keys.

"Wait why you two? so I'm not apart of this group meeting?" Dalvin said stopping Devante in his tracks.

"I'm not saying you not I just want to talk to them alone without the arguing cause I know how K-Ci doesn't want you around him right now" Devante replied.

"Devante just let me go for the ride I promise I want cause problems with K-Ci besides I already got over that little beef we had" Dalvin says looking at his brother.

Devante looked at his brother before giving him a yes or no answer.

"Look you better behave yourself Dalvin and I better not see nothing like that happened again you understand me?" Devante says pointing at Dalvin.

"Yeah man I hear you I be good" Dalvin said keeping his cool.

"Come on then let's go Navy you ready" Devante said walking of his room.

"Yeah here I come" Navy said as she followed behind all of them and shut Devante's door back.


Jojo came to the door to greet them. "Oh hey y'all come In"

"Thank you I just thought we come by to say hi It's been awhile" Devante said as his brothers and girlfriend Navy all sat down on the couch.

"Tell me about It" Jojo said taking his seat In the chair.

"So, how is he?" Devante said speaking to Jojo about K-ci.

"Oh he's doing ok I guess I just came from up there and he was just minding his own business and just chilling" Jojo said as Dalvin sated next to his brother doing the birdman hand rub.

Dalvin was nervous to see K-Ci again you can see it all over his face.

"Dalvin you better run" Derek said being playful.

To Be Continued...

Do you think the beef between K-Ci and Dalvin going to get handle right?

Thoughts on Navy still waiting to do something with Devante?

How did y'all like Navy and Devante singing together?

Devante snuck a girl in the house again lmao

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