"Rhamnusia...Heimdall, move. If our friendship meant anything to you at all you will let me pass."spat Ishtar loading and pointing her bow right at the white hair goddess. She didn't want to; A small part of her did not want to fight her but she could not erase the fact this was the same one that had aided HIM in the murder of her family and father. The thought made her eyes glow in fury as her temporal powers caused the elements to go wild and haywire.

"Istaroth you know full well my duty is to guard this gate and uphold the laws. Look what you've done, defying the principles again and again."stated the goddess harshly.

"Please Rhamnusia...if not for me then for the sake of maintaining the balance and the blood of my blood."Ishtar began to pull back the string of her bow as energy gathered, promising an arrow squall upon the moment she let go. "You will die, either now or when Ragnorak comes."

This got the goddess's attention as she lowered her weapon letting it vanish. "Ragnarok? The end and renewal of all? Daughter of Phanes, what have you done!?"she hissed as she grabbed the shade by her cloak. Ishtar just gave a sly, malicious glint as she looked her in the eyes, beginning to giggle softly before breaking into laughter. Asmodaus looked stunned and confused as Ishtar teleported out of her grasp to stand behind her. Like a temporal specter she gripped her by the throat.

"You and I made a promise, you vowed to never spill my blood...and you did. You betrayed me, betrayed us, we gave you a home, welcomed you and helped you. We shared drink and memories..."Ishtar's tone turned cold as the most frigid spring as she forced her to hear the dying screams. Forced her to hear frightened screams of the innocent, both immortal and mortal as she leaned in close to whisper in her ear. "....And you spilled my blood. The blood of the Original God was spilled, Asmodeus."

The goddess was terrified and that terror turned to fury as she shrieked and began to attack Ishtar. Black and red cube-like energy began to chase the time goddess but she easily evaded them. An impish look on her face as she playfully put a finger to her eye and stuck out her tongue, "Bleh~! I'd like to stay and chat but I got places to be, and all that dear gatekeeper."

"To hell you are Istaroth I will tell him of this!!"snapped Asmodaus.

"Ehe~!"Ishtar just grinned as she landed by the doors of the stone gates and opened them. Her hand clutching her shoulder to her injuries. "You can deliver my message to him: Can you escape Fenrir's jaws, Odin? Did you really think you had won this war? Because it has only begun."


Ishtar only stared with a grin as she shot through the gate faster then the wind. The mighty stone gate door closing before Asmodeus could reach her. Into her brother's chaos of the spectral flow of the celestial atlas she flew. Only now starting to feel the effects of her injuries, the blood she had lost, and her uneasy stomach. "N-No...not now..."she thought, beginning to struggle. Then she saw a split in the celestial space stream. She took it without hesitation and went straight for it. Her entry into the world was thunderous causing a blast of a shockwave. The world was not large but it was a small realm cradle right near Alfheim that would soon near the end of it's cycle in the time stream. Her wind startled all the light elves and each elemental race that called this home. The supreme and omnipresent was very rich here, causing great beauty.

She spotted where she wanted to go but in her cry of pain another shockwave blasted out as she lost control. The temporal goddess crashed in a forest just outside the city of Vanir. To the light elves it had appeared as though a star had fallen, brilliant and gold. Ishtar lay there in the crater, in a great deal of pain the earth soaked in her blood. As she lay there tears began to flow, her consciousness fading. "Dain...if only I wasn't...such a...burden..."she thought as blurry shapes raced to her side. They were speaking the old tongue...the language now lost to Teyvet. A gentle hand reached out to check on her as her wings vanished and everything faded to black.

The one that had found her was in fact the young high priest of the Temple of Saturn. The young light elf was robed in a toga of white and pale green. His long pale hair done up in a high ponytail and a braid hung on his left side of his face. Olive branches of gold woven into his hair.

 "High Priest Chiron, what's going on? Who is this maiden that fell from the heavens?"pestered the darker haired elf beside him clothed in armor.

"Send word to Caesar Freyr. For at long last, Saturn has descended from the heavens."Chiron informed as he began to approach the injured goddess. 

The soldier saluted and rushed away post haste to deliver the wonderful news. Their patron queen of the heavens had set foot here at long last. Chiron did not waste any effort ensuring he kept his mana control steady as he healed her wounds. Who had harmed their goddess so badly? Was this the doing of the treacherous raven? He did not know. He just knew Saturn needed these wounded healed before he took her to the safety and warmth of the temple.

However his eyes grew wide as his mana detected something during the treatment. The strong concentration of either wrapped up in her womb, being sucked and absorbed from the outside like the children of the Wolf God, Remus and Romulus. The mother of them all, wise Mother Time was with child....two children actually. She was carrying the promised children of prophecy...and it made Priest Chiron's face grow with wondrous awe and excitement. So with her taken care of he carried the unconscious goddess away to the City of Vanir, the City of Light.

To Be Continued...

Fated Encounter Prequel: A Thousand Yearsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें