Inanna The Gypsy

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A/N: Kairos, disguising herself takes her ailing boughkeeper to the city, getting the help he needs. But she encounters a certain aging court mage that gains a fascination for her. Oh enjoy the song for Kairos and Peirro/Tyr.

.......................................... this is a problem.

It had been three days and still he had a fever that had yet to break. It seemed to have only gotten worse as did the weather. The first spring rains of the season had arrived as she grabbed his shoulder bag and put some of his things into it. She had given him the rest of the fruit as an ambrosia elixir. It had healed the burn wounds he got from Yggdrasil splendidly and his wounds from the contracts had too. The scars no longer had that eerie glow covering only where it should.

During that time Buer had visited her with Barbatos one more time. Checking to see she was safe and unharmed. Her wayward, carefree son held a curiosity but dared not anger her by waking Dainslief from his fevered nap. He slept quite a lot these three days since everything, never awake too long and very sore. But with his condition not improving and her having to leave the nation for a time soon...he couldn't stay in the garden. Her dear snake that guarded her forbidden fruit of immortality needed somebody they both trusted.

However the compass he had gifted her for her birthday would stay with her. Snug and safe on her gold belt that dangled on her silk Sumerian style sash wrapped around her hips. A snap of her fingers and her appearance changed to that of the fair wandering gypsey, Inanna...her alias she used. Grabbing her cloak she slipped on the hood and coaxed over the silver speckled mare pegasus that belonged to Dainslief. "Good girl, such a patient steed."she soothed, earning a soft nudge from the mare. She then went over to where she had put Dainslief, tucked away in a tangle of roots.

"Ishy...?"was the soft sleepy mumble that greeted her as she hopped inside. His blue eyes dull with fever as he glanced over before yawning.

"Hey sleepy snake. Come on, I'm taking you home so Alice or Halfdan can look after you."she informed gently. "Got the strength to walk or do you need help?"

Silence hung in the air for a moment before cautiously he got up so he was at least sitting. Hand to his head as he clenched his teeth with a hiss as he felt her place a black shirt over his shoulders. Muttering a soft thank you he permitted the goddess, his friend and now mistress to help him out into the meadow. His pegasus eagerly huffed, giving a soft nuzzle as she flicked her tail and ruffled her wings. Dainslief stumbled as his legs threatened to give out.

"Dain, easy now the contract binding takes a great toll on the familiar's body. So if you have to lean on me, I don't like invoking the words of binding on you but I will if you leave me no choice."she softly rebuked.

"Nmph...I know. I just didn't f-feel like I got tossed...into the fires of...M-Muspelheim."he gasped as she steadied him and helped him onto the steed. Ishtar hopping on right behind him and carefully coaxed him to lie against him. With a few clicking sounds and flick of the reigns she got the mare to take off leaving the meadow and Yggdrasil behind.

"I know, and I apologize. It only hurts so much because you were human. Had an elemental race like the dragons to form the pact it would have been a different reaction."sighed Ishtar with some guilt in her eyes. Eyes that had now started to turn a rich honey amber with the rising sun. And yet Dainslief made no voice of complaint, enjoying her warmth as he shivered. He was already starting to drift off again.

"Hey now, my snake is not falling asleep up here while we're flying."she teased.

"Mhmm...but you're warm and it doesn't hurt that you smell nice. Smell like lilies and olives..."he hummed with a small grin of playful mischief. His words made her turn such a shade of red it put her own niece in Natlan to shame. Damn she had had comments like that since her brother, Khaos would tease her.

"K-Keep your fever nonsense to yourself."she stuttered in her flustered fit as they landed.

"Alice, Lord Tyr, look over there!"That voice had been Halfdan. Sure enough there he was wide eyed as she helped and supported Dainslief. Dainslief blinked at seeing his friend rush over. "Inanna found him!!"

"Halfdan what's going on, why the panic?"wondered Dainslief as Halfdan hurried to help her. Alice rushed over with an older gentleman not far behind. The crash of thunder alerting them to the thunderstorm as rain began to slowly fall.

"We were so worried, you've been missing for days."informed Alice. "They were on the verge of calling a search party, it's why Tyr asked to bring him here."

"You do not look well lad. As for you young lady, thank you so much for bringing him back home safely."greeted Tyr as they ushered Dainslief inside and they followed not long after. Inanna's gaze turned sharp as she did not like what she saw of this man's future. Simply just nodding in greeting as she entered the manor with him. Removing her cloak's hood to reveal her long pink hair cascaded down her back. The manor itself was simple, rustic, and luxurious. Alice had ignited the burning chandelier and the fireplace. Massive glass windows gave it a very open feel and splendid view of the scenery ahead. Some lone deer had entered his property, casually nibbling at some tree bark and berries. Some fur was overing the sofas and chairs.

"They said your name is Inanna? Is it wrong of me to assume you're of Sumerian descent."Tyr questioned as he took off his coat to hang up on the coat rack and set his shoes aside. Calmly walking over to take a seat in the chair by the fire as they watched Alice and Halfdan rushing around as they tended to Dainslief up in his room. There was interest and intrigue in the aging mage's eyes that unnerved her as she walked over to the window to watch the deer.

"Yes you're not wrong. I'm just a wandering gypsy and Dainslief's a very good friend."she informed, not bothering to face him. This only seemed to interest the mage more.

"And you have a rather unique Vision there."he pointed out.

"Unique circumstances can trigger unique results as the gods see our faults."she bluntly hummed, finally glancing as he walked over to join her.

"I was with Dainslief when his accident happened. A leyline ruptured while we were out hunting for my birthday. To protect me he got caught in it."her expression hardened as she watched one deer usher away an injured buck into a safe hiding place.

"Lord Tyr was it?"Tyr nodded. "I'd question if what your nation is doing is really progressing it or will earn the wrath of the heavens. So let me offer some words of wisdom."

"I am listening."he assured.

"Just as knowledge can make a nation flourish and prosper so too can knowledge be it's downfall. Sowing arrogance and hubris, like weeds in a garden of carefully cultivated flowers. For age does not begate wisdom, dear mage."she informed as around him time slowed to a crawl. His eyes wide as before him Inanna's eyes were glowing as a sly impish grin graced her face. The sound of church bells echoing around him and then it was all gone as time resumed.

"Time starts when your heart starts beating~!"she hummed as she left the court mage alone there. It was then he realized Khaenri'ah was not as godless as he had been led to believe. An excited chill ran up his spine as he watched the gypsy vanish past the rafters, Halfdan letting her inside. That sensation had been a strange one, it made the young Tsarista's aura pale in comparison.

"What did you find yourself Lord Dainslief and kept secret all this time?"Tyr muttered to himself, crossing his arms in thought. She was no jinn or forest what was she? And why did he fascinate him so much? This woman who had captivated the knight captain, infamous for breaking hearts. Yes, what an interesting woman she was and he had every intention to find out the truth.

To Be Continued...

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