Jörmungandr, Cradle The World

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A/N: Upon managing to slip away hoping to celebrate the Time Goddess's birthday with her, disaster strikes as humanity messes with things they should not. Desperate to help her, Ishtar present him a choice. I hope you enjoy the song for Dainslief and Kairos's family~!

Fun Fact: Jormungandr or as it is more often gets called by, "Midgard Serpent", "World Serpent", and yes "Ouroborous" respectfully was a massive snake. It bit the roots of Yggdrasil but was also a child of Loki. But in this case it's not just world snake I used for themes with Dain. There's greek/roman and Christian/Jewish influences alongside the Norse.


It was the Year of the Lunar Rabbit, spring was just starting to take hold. The long winter being chased away as the earth once wrapped in frigid slumber began to revitalize. The heavy rains in Teyvet's tropical Sumeru and Natlan regions were just saying goodbye to the rainy season. The nation of Khaenri'ah was no different as the hooves of a pegasus click clacked across the cobblestone streets as the young knight captain was making his way to leave the city. A sincere smile as he got off to lead the mare through the market.

"Doing a spot of shopping before you head out?"came a familiar female voice.

And there went his good mood. Slowly he sighed as he paid the merchant for the simple antique compass. Carefully stashing it away into the travel bag sprung over his mount's back as he spoke, "Morning Rhinedottir. Do you need anything from me? I was about to go do some training and maybe hunt some deer." To be honest he knew it was a complete lie, sort of. He really was going to go hunt as Ishtar had wanted to show him her archery skills. It would also be a good chance to sharpen up his swordsmanship from being stuck with that damn paperwork for months.

"No, no not at all. I was just gathering materials and specimens for my latest experiment."she informed casually. Rhinedottir herself was not a bad looking woman. Fair skinned, sandy blonde hair with some braids and hair up in a hair clip of gold. Sun kissed golden eyes and a lean figure robed in the Khaenrian uniform of a captain and a lab coat just resting on her shoulders. Her gaze at him was one of suspicion and intrigue as she could see the heavy amounts of elemental residue cling to him. "Were you in the areas with heavy leyline activity again by chance, sir knight?"

"I was. But I really must be going, just please don't do anything foolish. One of these days you'll open that Pandora's box and we'll pay the price. I may not like you much but Alice cares about you, so please do nothing foolish with your tricks."he warned as he left. Rhinedottir just waved before turning serious.

"Hmm...'Nothing foolish' you say, sir knight? Your words have been heard but I have too much to gain and everything to lose. I will make it, I will achieve it...the red elixir that King Irmin desires—That I desire. If that makes me a sinner then so be it."she whispered. The chief alchemist then began to hum a tune as she saw Alice wave in greeting, rushing over to join her. For now though she could go enjoy her breakfast at the café tavern with her friend first. Once that was done she adjusted her coat and entered her lab.

The project of playing god had started.

The project of playing god had started

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