The Winternights Festival

Start from the beginning

"So are you going to ask her yet?"chuckled Halfdan as he playfully nudged his friend. 

"Oh hush don't rush them, Halfdan. It's only been a few years. If they aren't ready yet then let them set their own pace."hummed Alice. The young elf looked over at where Inanna was still trying to reach the taller part of the tree with a glass ornament in her hand. She had no doubt the goddess was limiting herself on purpose in order to hide and blend in better with humanity. She probably didn't want to give herself away with Halfdan being present, they guessed. Otherwise Inanna probably could have just flown up to place the decor.  

To their surprise Dainslief began to whistle a tune all too familiar to Halfdan as he got up hands behind his back. "Oh I know this one."grinned the knight as he and Alice watched him casually go over. The tune had startled Inanna, making her turn solemn and serious as Dainslief carefully helped her put the decoration on the tree. 

He whispered softly with hope in his beautiful sapphire eyes, "I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with ne'er a fear of drowning and gladly ride the winds of life...." Inanna's eyes turned wide in disbelief at the small, delicate floral Khaenrian style ring that he had materialized into his hand with the umbra energy. The goddess was speechless, unsure how to react as she looked at it. "If you would marry me? No scorching sun nor freezing cold, will stop me—!?"

"On my journey~!"chimed in Halfdan only to earn a smack over the head from Alice sitting beside him. Dainslief glaring in annoyance as Inanna glanced over as well. "Ouch, ok sorry!"

Dainslief turned his attention back to Inanna as she had moved away. She was not sure how to process this as she moved over to the table where some punch and snacks had been set out. Dainslief put his hand on her shoulder as she avoided his gaze. "Did I do something wrong? Did I ask her too soon?"Dainslief was beginning to wonder in remorse and worry. It had taken everything to gather up the courage to ask tonight even with Halfdan and Alice's encouragement....but he had to try.

"If you will promise me your heart....and love..."with no reply from Inanna as she refused to look him in the eye he sighed with remorse as he began to move away. 

Inanna though gave a small smile as she held her arms and slowly turned to offer her reply in true Khaenrian fashion, her angelic voice soft in reply, "...And love me for eternity~"

Dainslief was stunned, baffled, and overjoyed as Inanna walked over to him with one of the most tender of smiles. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as the crafty petite goddess took the small delicate ring held in his hand. A soft breeze of anemo moved it until it was on her ring finger. With a pleased hum she took his hand to slowly guide him to stand below the tree, singing her reply as she walked...

My dearest one, my darling dear

Your mighty words astound me

But I've no need for mighty deeds

When I feel your arms around me

...Inanna had seen it many times before as she offered her hand again to Dainslief inviting him to dance with her. Alice and Halfdan watching with delighted stars in their eyes. Watching the couple break into one of the most energetic Khaenrian jigs Halfdan had seen in a long time. Clapping away a tune of delight along to the old marriage proposal song of their nation as Dainslief laughed, twirling her as he sang back his own reply as he pulled her back, "But I would bring you rings of gold, I'd even sing you poetry."

Inanna couldn't help but laugh heartily as she mischievously flicked him between the eyes. Quickly getting behind her precious snake she hopped up behind him to wrap her arms around him. Dainslief yelped before laughing as she giggled, "Is that so, Sir Knight?"

With a playful growl he grabbed her and hoisted her up into his arms as he continued, "And I would keep you from all harm, If you would stay beside me Inanna~!" Inanna just laughed as she easily teleported out of his arms continuing their little heated song and dance..

I have no use for rings of gold

I care not for your poetry

I only want your hand to hold

...Inanna let out a giggle as the pace grew much faster as he replied right back, "I only want you near me, Inanna~!"

Alice and Halfdan marrily watched their two friends' playful jig and sing song banter. Inanna was always such a mischievous little thing pulling harmless jokes or teasing Dainslief. Normally it ended with her the victor but not this time as Dainslief hoisted her up into his arms, laughing before kissing each other eagerly. All four of them by now chortled at one now very drunk Halfdan's antics.

"Halfdan."chuckled Alice.

"Oh um I'm done."chuckled Halfdan in embarrassment.

"That's it Mr.Drunkalot I'm cutting you off for the rest of the night."scolded Inanna as she hopped out of her new fiance's arms and snatched his mug away with surprising force.

"But Ina!!"protested Halfdan.

"You are not turning into a Monstandter."huffed Inanna as the others laughed at poor Halfdan's misfortune.

"Ah man....Dain can't you help your bud out here? Your woman's at it again."pleaded Halfdan.

"Nope, you're on your own, Hal. I know Inanna's brewing skill techniques are top tier but you really need to cut back."Dainslief grinned, raising his hands up in submission. Especially at feeling the glare from Inanna.

"He's got a point you know. But you got a winner with this one Dainslief, treat her right or I'm sure this lioness will bare her teeth and claws right at yeah.''hummed Alice. Her own cheeks were starting to get flushed from the ale too but not as heavily as Halfdan was now. But there was a tenderness in the way they were looking at each other that was most delightful. As his their friends she couldn't be more proud. Maybe in the future Alice too would find that right someone just like Dainslief had? The only one that probably knew for sure was the lovestruck goddess beside him. But Alice dare not ask, if there was somebody out there at some place some time in the future she'd rather wait and explore for herself. Yes...because love was an adventure too.

Oh and what an adventure it was.

To Be Continued...

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