She had lingered here in Liyue too long...shit!! She had barely gotten out of the way of a shot from a shower of arrows laced with miasma. Her foresight had been enough to give her warning but some of the arrow had slipped through her defenses. Her eyes glowing she slashed through the air sending a manifestation of a mirage serpent, stallion, and a wolf that charged her attackers. But already she was beginning to feel her senses failing her. Those scamps had gone and used a miasma of fallen gods and beasts to lace their arrows. Damn those bastards, damn to the bottom of the realm of her sister's Realm of Niflheimr!!

"She's been hit!"

"Get her!"

"Seize her while the poison's taking effect!!"

"Like hell you will!"she snapped as she got the mirages to buy her time. Taking the chance she began to vanish, turning into wind the seraphim knights howling in fury and protest. However the ancient goddess had vanished moving far too fast as she truly vanished from Celestia's radar. Almost like she had vanished off the face of the world even. But in reality she had come to land in the forest where everything began.

Glowing ethereal wisps as creatures were startled as crimson fell, splattering as the goddess using a mossy tree for support coughed up the blood laced with the foul miasma. Stumbling, she kept going following the massive roots of a glowing tree that was drawing in souls by the millions. A sea, a garden of snow white lilies with single blue petals swaying as she walked through them. The tree itself was glorious, putting Irminsul to shame. 

Fruit hung from its mighty branches like twinkling stars. They looked almost like an apple or peach...maybe both? It was hard to describe. But relief was on her face as she stumbled, hands landing onto the massive trunk to stop her fall. Her vision was going out of focus as her body began to give off a golden glow she began to sing, causing the tree to glow brilliantly and the forest meadow glowed in seven colors, her ethereal melody healing her as she strengthened the tree as well.

 Her vision was going out of focus as her body began to give off a golden glow she began to sing, causing the tree to glow brilliantly and the forest meadow glowed in seven colors, her ethereal melody healing her as she strengthened the tree as well

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"I present to you Sir Dainslief, Knight Captain of the Royal Guard of the Dusk Dynasty!"

Cheers and roaring applause filled the audience chamber at the sight of the promoted young knight. What a splendor and handsome sight he was in his white and golden formal uniform as he slowly rose to his feet. Delight shined in his beautiful star sapphire eyes as he smiled proudly and with determination. Facing the royal family before him just like the day he had been knighted. What a thrill it was to experience and he had worked so hard to reach this point!

The young man was quite popular with the crowd, especially the ladies and even some men. The young blonde was tall, standing at around 5'9 to 6'0 foot in height. His body was lean but well toned and strong body of a swordsman with decades of experience. Smooth, well kept sun-kissed blonde hair with long bangs. His eyes were his most striking feature, such a deep sapphire azure blue with the Khaenrian genetic trait of the star shaped pupils. He was in his early twenties at least and was one of the most desired bachelors within the serpent knights. Even noblewomen were giggling and swooning as they watched the king give him a brilliant new sword.

Fated Encounter Prequel: A Thousand YearsWhere stories live. Discover now