Prologue: The Day The Wind Wept

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A/N: Yep completely rewriting this as it felt way too rushed. Plus there are some scenes never got to explore for the past of Lumine's parents. So lets jump to the past and follow Kairos and Dainslief. The 2nd Descender along with those that have sided with them have attacked the royal palace, however the battle is not in the favor of the Celestians....



How did it come to this!?

First had been the betrayal of the seelie clan race, sprung on by the sickeningly sweet whispers of this invader.The result forcing father to punish and exile them. Tiny little Next this intruder was making people start to turn on their father and them. All-Father's creations...deceived by the whispers of a lying raven. The once beautiful city of the gods stained red with carnage and slaughter with countless civilians, seraphim knights, servants, familiars, and everything sacred slaughtered and destroyed.

The once beautiful sea of clouds that surrounded their city cast in an eerie blood red while below in midgard humanity's pleas went unanswered. Or rather...they could not be answered due to the invasion of these usurpers for her father's throne and crown. The time goddess could only watch in horror as Enkanomiya sank into the sea, lost to the netherworld. As she ran through the streets she in her horror had found the dead body of her brother, Khaos holding and protecting his frightened sons, Deshret and young Huanglong. The young boys were confused and terrified, crying in desperation at their lifeless father that she had to contain to prevent further damage. Khaos's beautiful draconic horns reduced to dust.

The sorrow only grew worse as she witnessed and arrived too late to save her little sister, Gaia, the mother of her nieces, Nahida and the little fire spirit. Quickly each of them she got them to flee and hide for safety as she once again was forced to deal with the supernova results of her sister's death too. Then came her sister Nyxia as she watched her fall just slipping from her grasp. That one had really shaken her for now she was all alone. But judging by the direction Kairos knew which way they were going: the palace. Those monsters were after father!!

Kairos growled, tightening the grip on her bow as her body trembled in fury and grief. Here she was, the Goddess of Time and she felt so helpless. As quickly as she could she ran before jumping as her wings manifested. Six brilliant wings she flew at the speed of the wind until she heard a resounding boom. It was a massive explosion as she saw a sea of black and red cubes along with the attacks of her father and the damn intruder. "Asmodaus?"she whispered in disbelief.


Asmodaus had come to this world simply as a refugee just like she and her family had. Coming here from one of the nine realms when their world had been destroyed. She had seemed like an odd, distant but kind soul on the cautious side. A girl with a strong set of beliefs. So why had she sided with the enemy!? Fury made her blood boil as with a scream her eyes glowing she shot a temporal arrow of wind right at the enemy, "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM CREATOR FATHER!!!" Asmodaus and the descender yelping in surprise and pain at the barrage assault.

Phanes could only stare in shock, "Kairos run!"

"I will not! You can't do this alone, look at're badly injured."fretted Kairos stubbornly going back to back with the god emperor. Phanes was not a bad looking man by any means at all. Beautiful long golden hair done up in a loose ponytail with white and blue feathers, rich honey amber eyes that shine like stars, the golden crown circlet floating over his head with eight beautiful glowing gems. Six massive wings of gold identical to her own along his back. Celestian toga of white, gold, black, and pale blue flowed in the wind and bits of armor gave off a glow of the ommi element. Elfin ears of a deity clear to see as his messy, blood stained sun kissed hair flailed in the wind. He was covered in wounds some of them severe at the way he clung desperately to his sword of white and gold.

"Please for once listen and don't be stubborn, I can't lose you too!"she pleaded on the verge of tears.

"Oh my sweet little Ishtar, my little Freyja and keeper of the time stream. You along with Khaos and Nyxia are my eldest children and as a father I couldn't be prouder of you and my grandchildren."Phanes huffed. With a swift motion he created a shield of light and dark energy to block the assault that came. "But do you remember the laws we placed?"

"...I do. B-But what does this have to do with our situation?"Kairos wondered. Her eyes turned to distress as she saw the amount of blood he started coughing up as he struggled to keep the barrier up. "Father!!"

"Kairos out of all my children you are the one that must not die here. I am not easy....t-to destroy...They aren't aware of the truth. But with you should I fall this world will not die."Phanes coughed deflecting the blow meant for Kairos. He could see the distress and how shaken she was. His poor eldest daughter was forced to watch her brother and little sisters' deaths and disappearances. Helpless to save them. An apologetic look on his fair face however kairos' face turned to horror as her father was captured and brought before the intruder.

"FATHER!! No, no, get away from him!!"snapped Kairos only to be blocked by the white haired maiden. "Get out of my way Asmodaus!"

"Kairos, please this must be done. I do not wish to hurt you out of respect for our prior friendship but interfere further and I will kill you."stated Asmodaus coldly. It was clear the poor girl was very torn right now.

"My how the mighty have fallen, Phanes."hummed the intruder.

"Tsk...Ophion."spat Phanes in disgust. However he didn't get to say more as "Ophion" smirked and raised his blade. Kairos screamed in horror as she tried to get past her foe as before her eyes the usurper not only killed her father but slashed him into pieces until all that remained was falling master gnosis. Kairos right then and there snapping as she moved faster than they could blink and snatched her father's still glowing, warm heart, clutching it close in her hands she fled from the city of the gods with tears in her eyes.

The gold gnosis with the snake and egg with a king's cross held protectively to her chest as she cried. That day became known as the day Celestia fell silent, The Funerary Year is what it would become known. But this was the day the winds howled in grief and anger for the sublime light...had fallen.

To Be Continued...

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