Chapter One| Introduction

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(otherauthor: i'm sorry if this is shit, but i swear if you continue reading the book does get way better especially in the later chapters and less cringe. Also more references toward the book 'Fire and Blood' come in later)



Screams of agony was what two girls had woken up to in the red keep had woke up to, the screams bouncing off every wall as the Princess Rhaenyra was giving birth to her third child.

Though only one of the children, Viserra, the second daughter to the King Viserys and Queen Alicent knew what was actually going on.

On the other hand Naella, known as the realms gentle soul, daughter of Prince Aenor who is the younger brother to King Viserys and Prince Daemon.

Being scared by this she opened the door to her chamber careful to not make noise as Naella slipped out behind the guard that stood day dreaming by the door.

Making her way down the hall towards her fathers chamber that was near, her little yellow dress swishing behind her.

Getting to her destination she raised her little fist and knocked just as the guard that was stood outside her room came around the corner.

"Princess, you shouldn't be disturbing your father like this, he has more important work to be doing", the guard spoke with a gruff voice.

"But I-"

"Let's go, he doesn't have time for you right now", tears sprung in the princesses eyes as she looked to the floor.

Just as she started to take a step forward back towards her chambers, she got picked up in a familiar pair of arms that belonged to her father as he brought her close to his chest.

"This is the Princess and my daughter that you were talking to like that", Aenor was never one to get mad often especially around his daughter only wanting to show her the kindness of the world. "What's your name, Ser?"

"Colin Frey, my Prince", the knight bowed his head towards Aenor starting to sweat a bit as he realized his mistake too late.

"Frey! Thank you for your not so loyal service but you can take a post somewhere else far away from by my daughter", Aenor gave him a kind smile but his eyes still held slight hatred towards the knight in front of him.

"But, my Prince. -y-you cant", the Frey knight was now panicking.

"I can and I will, or would you like me to go to my brother the king", Aenor raised a brow towards him. "Or my other brother, your lord commander."

Just the mention of Daemon shot panic to the guards head as being part of the Kings Guard meant that you saw up and close Daemons tactics and the Rogue Prince had many.

"N-no, there's no need my Prince, I will take my post far away elsewhere", the knight bowed before running off down the halls, his armor making loud clinks all the way down.

Turning into his chambers quickly and closing the door with the hand that wasn't holding his daughter Aenor then quickly took ahold of her face and lifted it from his shoulder to get her to look at him.

"It's okay now little dragon", he soothed her, wiping the tears from her cheeks and petting her hair, moving it out of her face.

"Mean man", she hiccuped out through her short breaths.

"Yes, he was wasn't he", Aenor made a silly face at his daughter as she laughed. "But I'll always protect you from the meanest of man's."

"But what if your not here?", Naella's doe eyes looked up at him.

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