Sakusa | Realist

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You have always been a slow processor. So it wasn't until after the ball out of your arm's reach hit the ground, after your team packed up to leave the court, after the long bus ride back to Itachiyama, after your team huddled together and cried their hearts out, did the reality finally hit you like a bucket of cold water:

Itachiyama's volleyball team, your team, was eliminated from the Tokyo qualifiers for the Spring Tournament. 

You had never once doubted your team would make it to Nationals, after all, Itachiyama's volleyball team is a powerhouse that had always been a Tokyo representative and usually made it to the quarterfinals of Nationals. 

While the rest of the team processed the loss by crying, you just sat in the corner of the gym, feeling numb. How on earth did a random team that wasn't considered a powerhouse anymore suddenly show up and defeat your team? For a long time, Itachiyama's volleyball team had always had star players: you yourself were mentioned on Monthly Volleyball as one of the top high school volleyball liberos. Your team practiced hard over the summer against other powerhouses, and your captain and the coach spent hours devising strategies... how did you lose?

By now, everyone else had already left the gym, leaving you alone in your thoughts. The frustration welling up inside eventually got the better of you, and out of anger, you picked up the volleyballs from the crate and spiked them one after another. You were a libero, but hitting the ball with your frustration felt relieving weirdly. 

"I figured you'd be here."

You didn't even have to turn around to recognize the muffled voice belonging to your childhood friend, Sakusa Kiyoomi. You ignored him and continued to hit the ball.

Wearing his usual white mask, he walked up closer to you, eyebrows twitching from irritation. "Hitting the ball over and over won't reverse the results of today, so please stop torturing the ball," he bluntly commented. 

Had Sakusa always been this irritating? You gritted your teeth, seriously considering punching the life out of him. "God dammit Sakusa, would it kill you to be more considerate of what you say?" you hissed murderously, turning to face him now. "Not everyone made it to Nationals like you did!"

At this, Sakusa glared back at you with matching intensity. "I'm merely stating the truth. I watched your match today, and it was clear your team didn't prepare for the opponent's attacks. Your team's defense was all over the place. It's as simple as that: your team lost because they were unprepared."

You hated that Sakusa was on the mark. And yet...

"...That last rally, I could see that the opponent's ace was going to hit a cross. Her body and run-up gave it away. And yet—"

For the first time today, burning-hot tears of frustration flooded out of your eyes. The frustration of losing the match was mixed with frustration that you felt comfortable letting Sakusa, out of all people, see your vulnerable state, a side of yourself you've never even shown your teammates before. 

Sakusa looked slightly taken back, opening and closing his mouth as he tried to find the right words, but you continued. 

"And yet, my legs just wouldn't move as if they were glued to the ground. I saw everything clearly, but I just couldn't receive the ball even when I dived for it."

He merely stood still and listened to your ugly but raw crying. When you finally composed yourself, you glanced up to see that he was still wearing the same, indifferent expression. 

"If you know why you lost already, then why are you still wallowing in self-pity? It's a waste of time."


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