Akaashi | Task Focus

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"(y/n)! There's a pretty boy from class 6 looking for you!"

A small smile escaped your lips as you spotted the raven-haired boy with blue eyes by the doorway: your boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji. Ever since you two started dating a month ago, it'd become a daily routine: he'd come to pick you up from your classroom and you'd accompany him to volleyball practice to watch for a bit. While you two hadn't exactly gotten to the stage of physical intimacy yet, holding hands and being in each other's comfortable company was enough, for you at least. 

Even though it was autumn and the air felt colder than usual, whenever Akaashi grasped your hand with his warm ones or lent you his scarf, you couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat and your face flush up, banishing the cold in an instant.  

Today, you weren't exactly in the greatest of moods. You had just gotten your math test back, and let's just say . . . it wasn't exactly ideal. With midterms coming up soon, your math grade was at a high risk of taking a turn for the worse. It didn't help that you were in a college-prep class so of course the material was especially harder.

It was safe to say that math was probably your worst subject. During lectures, there were a concerning number of times when the concepts left your head spinning, and you just wanted to scream at the teacher, are you even speaking Japanese?!

Which brings you to the miserable state you are in now. You tried not to let your face give away your inner distress as you greeted Akaashi and walked with him to volleyball practice.

On the other hand, the setter noticed your unusual quietness. You were always the one to initiate the conversation, and now there was a heavy silence. He thought about asking you if everything was fine but decided otherwise, you would tell him once you were comfortable.

Once the two of you reached the front of the gym, you let go of Akaashi's hand.

"Akaashi... I don't think I can join you today, I'm going to the library for a bit. Text me when you're done, okay?" You turned and left without hearing his reply, leaving Akaashi alone with his thoughts.

He was taken aback at first because you had always accompanied him to practice and stayed to watch while you did homework.

Maybe I did something to upset her? That might explain why she looked down. Is it because I still call her by her last name? Is it because I don't give her public displays of affection? Or maybe--

"Agaashiii~" The captain of the volleyball team, Bokuto, walked up and swung an arm around him. " 'Sup bro!"

Upon receiving no response from his vice-captain, Bokuto leaned closer to inspect Akaashi. "You good there? Your face is pale. Don't tell me, are you sick?!" He let out a dramatic gasp.

Akaashi grimly turned to his captain. "Bokuto-san . . . I didn't think there would be a day where it'd come down to this but . . . I need your advice."

"UWOAHH!!" Bokuto's hair immediately spiked up as if electrocuted. "AGAAASHI NEEDS MY ADVICE?!"

Akaashi deadpanned at him. 

"Ahem, I mean—What words of wisdom does thou seek from me, O dear kouhai?"

Akaashi rolled his eyes but continued, trying to give as little detail as possible, knowing that Bokuto would probably try to get himself involved somehow. "So uh . . . what do you think it means when someone who hangs out with you all the time suddenly grows distant?"

"Is this about (y/n)?" Bokuto asked cheerfully without missing a beat.

Akaashi visibly flinched. "Y-Yes."

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