"Isn't this a bit sudden?" He asked worriedly. Surely a single day wasn't exactly considered the right amount of warning for something like this... or had they mentioned it, but he'd been too distracted with everything else? "I mean I just got out of the infirmary, and I've not done any preparation. Maybe we should delay it until next week."

"No can do, lad. It's already been delayed once."

"That's right Jaune." Glynda agreed. "The trip to Forever Fall was actually supposed to take place a week or so ago. Pushing it back even further would make things worse, particularly with the transfer students arriving soon."

"Ah yes!" Peter crowed. "New students from Atlas, Mistral and Vacuo – I can hardly wait."

"Hang on a minute. Can we get back to this trip please?" As much as a slew of new students sounded terrifying – and it really did – he had more immediate concerns to deal with. Like how he was going to guard a bunch of skilled combatants against bloodthirsty monsters. "Like, what is it we're doing?"

"The Forever Fall field trip is an annual event for first years." Glynda explained, settling her cup of flavoured hot-water down on the table. "It's a chance for them to learn about the environments Grimm frequent, while also getting a chance to work on their teamwork in a more realistic setting."

"Okay... so how come it's been delayed?"

"Normally I handle the trip, escorting and supervising the students." Glynda went on. "It's not an easy task on my own, and with you joining as a support teacher it seemed the obvious choice to have you come along under my command. We would have gone a week or so ago, but we had to delay it until you had your combat bout."

"You needed to prove yourself to the class." Peter cut in, leaning forward with one elbow on the table. "No matter how good you are, to the students you still look nearly the same age."

"So you thought they might not follow my instructions? Or respect me enough to listen to me?"

"That, and long enough for you to get some experience with dealing with children." Glynda sighed. "Not everyone is suited to teaching – even if they are the strongest of Hunters. We couldn't just let you out into dangerous territory with our pupils, if we weren't absolutely certain you would be able to look after them. It's not a question of your ability." She rushed to assure him, despite having hit the nail right on the head. "It's more that you might not have the right mindset for teaching."

"Right... okay." Jaune sighed. "So now that the students know I'm stronger than them, and that I'm not bad at teaching, it's okay for me to run this with you?"

"Exactly." The blonde woman nodded, seemingly pleased that he understood her reasoning. "After what you did against Roman Torchwick as well, there really can be no doubts that you would protect those under your watch."

After he got his ass handed to him and was thrown off a rooftop? Hardly the best of credentials, and this would be worse – the Grimm weren't likely going to bargain with him so that they could both escape unharmed.

Except... what could he actually do to escape going on it? They'd already delayed it once, specifically so he could go along to make the job easier on Glynda. Clearly they weren't going to delay it again, nor were they going to accept sending the deputy on her own when he was clearly unhurt...

Should he go see that crazy faunus again? She would probably injure him quickly enough...

Which was least likely to result in his death?

"Sounds... awesome." He forced out, hoping the smile on his face didn't look as sickly as it felt. "Tomorrow then?"

"Bright and early." His executioner smiled, climbing from her seat. "Now if you'll excuse me gentlemen, I have some paperwork to see to." The moment she was out of sight, a burly arm wrapped around his shoulders, dragging him into Peter's rib cage.

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