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☆°.*•~✦ ᴀ ɴᴏsᴛᴀʟɢɪᴄ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀʏ ✦~•*.°☆


        "Ah, it wasn't raining earlier..." [Name] couldn't help but watch as the dark sky showered rain across the campus and her dorm, the raindrop tapping rapidly against the kitchen window. To think the moon was just shining down its light merely hours ago, when she met those two mysterious first years and Malleus, yet now the sky seemed to lament down rain as the moon hid behind the clouds. 

        As she dried her hands with a paper towel and tossed it in the trash, Yuu came over with his plate, placing it into the sink next to her. "We were lucky it wasn't raining when I was running away from Grim earlier." Laughter was woven into his words while he turned on the faucet to wash his dish.

        It was after the trio had settled down for dinner that Yuu finally decided to spill the beans and tell her what had happened. Just as Crowley mentioned, he awoke in total darkness. Except, he wasn't trapped, not for long at least. While [Name] was given time to panic about being stuck in the coffin, Yuu was barely able to avoid the wrath of Grim's blue flames. Arriving at the Dark Mirror only for it to tell you that your home didn't exist must've been a hard pill to swallow, especially in front of a room filled with strangers. Well, it was safe to say the janitor duo had a much more eventful evening than she did, though it wasn't her complaining or anything.

        "Surprised I didn't run into you sooner." The girl passed him a clean cloth to dry his plate. "I was actually walking around campus earlier." 

        "Well, it definitely would have solved the whole ghost problem we ran into earlier." Then again, if it weren't for the ghosts showing up and messing with them, the headmaster would have never agreed to Grim staying. At least their little moment of teamwork paid off (with the help of his senior, that was). "Sorry on Grim's behalf about nearly burning down the dorm earlier." The boy seemed genuinely sorry for the chaos his companion had caused, even if it wasn't something he had done himself.

        "I suppose I can't blame you two too much since you didn't know any better." It certainly would've been an issue had her dorm burned down from Grim's attacks, but just this once, her bad luck decided to spare her. "Just for all of our sakes, let's keep fire magic to a minimum around here and on campus, yeah?" 

        "Can't exactly argue with you there." Yuu had no problem following her request, of course. With not an ounce of magic to his name, performing such spells was impossible for him. "We'll see how Grim will think of that."

        [Name] let out a chuckle at his words. "Seems like he can be a bit of a handful for you."

        "Yeah, well, he doesn't always listen to what I—" Yuu didn't even get to finish his sentence before being interrupted by Grim.

        "If ya want to say something about me, say it to my face, Humans!" Grim exclaimed, walking into the kitchen area with his plate; Yuu had no problem going up to him and taking his dish. "Hmph, I expect some tuna tomorrow." 

        [Name] raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, Grim-san. The last time I checked, I do believe I'm the senior around here. What I say goes, you know?" Her tease earned her a puffed-up chest.

        "Bold of you to say that when you're my henchman!" 

        "Am I now?" To which he proudly nodded at her inquiry. Well, fine. Just this once would [Name] indulge a little. Just a little. She couldn't help herself, after all. He was certainly adorable, although he wouldn't catch her admitting aloud, lest she wished to hear an earful from him. "If you say so, Grim the Great. If you will excuse this kind henchman, I'm going to be heading out for a bit. You'll be okay handling the dishes for a bit, right, Yuu-san?" 

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