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        A week had already flashed right before her eyes. Yet, it felt like it was just yesterday when she woke up in that gosh-awful and dreadful coffin and had a mental breakdown right in front of the school's headmaster. Wow, like that wasn't embarrassing at all; she could sense herself cringing at her past self. If only she could go back in time and stop herself from making an absolute fool of herself, she would take the chance in a heartbeat. 

        Alas, she was no time traveller but instead just an aspiring first year at Night Raven College.

        Although slowly but surely, her life fell into a daily routine, something she could get used to. Not to say that her life was anxiety-free (gosh, one could only ever dream of such a life); [Name] would still go off to class wondering when or if her identity would be revealed, but it was more manageable now. Compared to the first official day of class, what she had now wasn't too bad. 

        At the very least, she didn't forget to take the potion Crewel gave her every morning since then. Definitely learned her lesson, albeit it took her at least two or three more days until her sleep schedule was back to normal, much to her dismay. It was difficult on her end, but she still somehow managed.

        When she accidentally woke up Silver that day, the girl did not expect it would be a recurring thing, not that she minded much anyway. Hopefully, he didn't mind, either. The second day was upon her in a blink of an eye after establishing some compromises and rules with the ghosts in the middle of the night. She was so glad not to be late again. She didn't think she could handle the piercing stares of her classmates again, not to mention the burning (and unnecessary) wrath of the small tyrant. [Name] hoped that she wouldn't have to deal with him again, at least not today. 

        I'm really not in the mood for one of his lectures. She sighed at her thoughts. It was, so far, a peaceful day, and she would like to keep it like that. Not that fate ever listened to you, but oh well, a girl can dream.

        By the time she arrived in class, most students were already at their seats, chatting among the cliques they've already formed. And next to her seat was a snoozing Silver; his face was hidden away in the comforts of his arm. 

        How can someone's sleeping face look so damn pretty?

        She had a closer look at his armband that tied around his left arm, seeing that doing so slipped her mind entirely the day before (it totally was not because she was so captivated by his beauty!). Only then did she find out that he was from Diasomnia. 

        Huh, interesting. 

        She had met three different people from three different dorms.

        It was getting worryingly close to the start of class, which meant that Trein would enter the classroom any minute. She didn't think he would take too well to one of his students napping during his lessons. And for some reason, she didn't want Silver to get in trouble and potentially receive undeserving detention just because he lacked sleep. So, she sat by her desk, thinking over what to do before hesitantly reaching out and poke his shoulders gently. 

        At first, she did not get any reaction from him. It made her reconsider her decision for a short while, but the student proceeded to poke him again, this time saying his name, hoping that he wouldn't be upset by the time he woke up. "Silver-san..."

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