[15] Cant Sleep

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You hesitated.
You: no. But we're sorta getting to know each other.
You: he told me everything. And I really don't think it's a big deal. That was in the past.
Kevin: I don't fucking care.
You: look I didn't know he was going to kiss me. He just did it out of nowhere.
Kevin: yet you kissed back.
You: I wasn't about to embarrass myself on live tv and wh-
Kevin: Yeah? I believed we had something.
You: okay hold on. Kevin we never agreed to anything. We're not a thing. I'm single, you're single.
Kevin: I pretty much thought that kiss meant otherwise. And you wearing my jersey.
You: it's called being FRIENDS! I literally just met you a week ago! What the fuck?
Kevin: friends don't kiss y/n.
You: it was a mistake. I wasn't going to let it happen again. Besides you didn't ask to kiss me either, so I didn't have a say.
Kevin: I thought it was what we both wanted.
You: well you were wrong.
Kevin: so what? You're basically with Joao now?
You: I guess you could say that.
Kevin shook his head.
Kevin: you say you can't see me that way because we just met a week ago but you literally met Joao like 3 days ago. Make it make sense y/n.
You: I don't even know why I'm arguing with you right now. It's too late to be up. Get out and we'll continue this tomorrow.
Kevin: there is NO tomorrow. We're finishing this right now.
You: FINE. What else do you want to know.
Kevin: you're trying to play me
You: WHAT?
Kevin: just wait till Joao does something. Then we'll see who made the mistake. 
You rolled your eyes and he got up. You noticed he wasn't limping anymore and he didn't have a cast on. You wanted to ask him about it but there was no matter into asking anymore. You got undressed staying in your bra and underwear not wanting to get into your pj's and laid in bed. You ended up falling asleep pretty quick, until a couple minutes later you heard your door close and be locked. Then you felt the corner of your bed sink. You sat up turning on your nightstand and saw Diego. You kept your blanket on half of your body only revealing your stomach and above.
You: what the fuck. Get out. I'm like literally half naked right now.
Diego: so?
You: Get. Out.
Diego: why?
You: because- Diego it's 2am.
Diego: I can't sleep.
You: I don't care. Go tell Karla that.
Then you felt him grab your leg.
Diego: let me sleep with you.
You: let you WHAT?
Diego: sleep in your bed.
You: fuck nooo. Why do you want to sleep in my bed?
Diego: because-
You: because what?
Diego: I need some company.
You: wrong company. Go with Kevin or some shit.
Diego: speaking of which, what happened? Did he talk to you.
You sighed.
You: yeah, it didn't go very well.
Diego: I can imagine.
You both stared at eachother.
You: What happened?
Diego: huh?
You: I know that look. Something happened.
Diego: nothing happened.
You: Diego. It's like you forget we dated. Que paso?
He sighed.
Diego: Braga.
You: Braga?
Diego: they offered me a spot on the team.
You: so?
Diego: they offered me a deal I would never imagine turning down. And I'm thinking of joining.
You: oh...
Diego: but I don't want to leave Mexico.
You: what's stopping you?
Diego: I don't know. I just don't know what to do. I'm lost in my thoughts.
You: can't you stay in both teams?
Diego: yeah but it's gonna be difficult to keep up. Especially if the games are on the same day. I just can't do both. I'll have to fly back and fourth a lot.
He went on a whole rant and you felt your eye lids getting heavier and heavier by the minute. Then his voice was faint.
Diego: y/n?
You: yeah?
You said in a low voice.
Diego: you know what. Go to sleep. I'll just deal with it on my own.
You: no no no. I'm still awake.
Diego: it's late.
He stood up from your bed and started walking out.
You: Diego.
Diego: mmmm?
You pat the spot next to you.
You: don't leave. lay with me.
He furrowed his brows.
Diego: y/n I-
You: shut up. You said you wanted to sleep with me. 
He walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down while you turned off your night stand and laid down too. You felt the tension and you could feel Diego's uneasy breathing. All you could see was the light coming from the window reflecting on his face.
You: hasta mañana.
Diego: Mhm.
Then you turned the other way facing the wall when you felt his large hand pull you close. You gasped lightly and tried leaving his grip.
Diego: Hey. I won't do anything.
You sighed. You were too tired to argue with him so you went back to sleep while Diego and you cuddled in a spoon position. You being the little spoon. You fell asleep right away, but it took Diego some time. Your phone kept vibrating under your pillow so he pulled it out and looked at it.

Meet me here ****** (he sent you a location) at 6am before the sun rises. I want to show you something my love.

Diego scoffed and logged into your phone knowing your password was still the same as 5 years ago. He deleted the message and pulled you closer, you moved position now laying your head on his chest. Diego held you with both hands, going to sleep.

A/N: mmmmmm 💁🏻‍♀️ here's thisssss I'll update again later toooo

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