[90] Ballon d'Or

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You sprint towards your room and shut the door making sure go lock it just in case Diego decided to come in like he always did. You sat on your bed and hit yourself with a small pillow.
You: what am I doing with my life?!
You weren't sure how to feel about what Diego had told you. That interaction you had with him was unexpected. You didn't know if you were able to trust the words coming out of his mouth.
Diego: I told her
Memo: y? Que te dijo?
Diego: nothing
Memo: nothing? What do you mean nothing?
Diego: she left without giving me a good reason. She just said she thought it was best if she went back to her room.
Memo: and you didn't stop her?
Diego: I tried but she ran towards the door
Memo: you need to talk to her about that interaction you just had with her
Diego: for what? I told you she wouldn't care. I don't think she believes me
Memo: then make sure she knows you're not kidding
Next Day
You woke up pretty late because of all the thoughts that were circling your mind. You threw on the first outfit that was in your luggage and fixed up your bedroom before grabbing the keys to your dads truck to go get something to eat. As you were pulling out of the drive way you saw Diego coming back from his run. He was completely shirtless and drenched in sweat. His hair was being held back by a headband. Your eyes were glued onto him. He didn't notice you, which you were glad about. You didn't want to have any sort of contact with him after last night.
You: he looks so...mmm
You bit your lip and automatically caught yourself
Melanie was already at your house waiting for you to arrive. Once you did, the both of you went straight to your room. You started off with her hair and she made small talk asking you about your career. And eventually she brought up the only person you had no interest in talking about
Melanie: sooo you and Diego?
You: huh?
Melanie: nothing has ever happened between you two?
You: no.
Melanie: really?
You: yeah, nothing has ever happened. Why?
Melanie: it seems like there is tension between the two of you. You can tell he's really interested in you.
You: he's together with my cousin
Melanie: oh. Is he?
You nodded
Melanie: apoco no se te hace guapo?
You shrugged brushing the question away
Melanie: hmm okay.
You: sorry. Don't take it the wrong way but I don't feel like talking about him
Melanie: oh. I'm sorry.
You finished her hair and moved onto makeup.
You: all done
She looked at herself in the mirror
Melanie: oh. My. God. You are amazing!
She gave you a hug before leaving to go get dressed. There were still a couple hours left so you decided to get a head start and get ready too. You were waiting on one of your managers assistants to bring you your personalized dress that was made just for this occasion. You did something natural for your makeup and something simple for your hair. You knew you didn't have to try and stand out because either way you would with everyone seeing you and Joao as an official couple tonight. Minutes later the doorbell rung and your dad called your name. You walked down stairs greeting the assistant and taking the dress from her.
Dad: el vestido esta mas grande que tu
He chuckled and walked back to what he was doing. You managed to carry it upstairs where you revealed it. It was perfect. You immediately got dressed into it. It fit like a glove.
Diego, Kevin, Alexis and Chucky were the only ones from the team that were nominated for the award. They were all dressed in suits. You were downstairs having Chucky take pictures of you in your dress.
Dad: listos?
Chucky handed you back your phone.
Chucky: si. Solamente estamos esperando a Diego
Your dad groaned
He yelled at him
Dad: he's always the last one out the door
Diego came sprinting down the stairs
Diego: ya
Dad: vamonos entonces
Diego couldn't help but admire you, he thought you looked like a dream come true. Your dad had rented a limousine for the event so all of you could ride together. It was parked outside. You all hopped inside. As you were getting in, the tail of your dress got stuck to the door.
Diego: espera y/n
You turned around to see Diego carefully detaching your dress from the door and placing it inside the car
You: gracias
Diego smiled at you. You sat down at the very end of the row. You hoped Diego would sit away from you but of course, he sat across from you. His eyes wouldn't leave you for even a second. You went on your phone trying to avoid eye contact with him
Once you guys arrived you all hopped off. Diego offered to help you with your dress but you denied. You saw Joao standing at the entrance waiting for you. He automatically walked towards you embracing you in a hug and spinning you around. He didn't say a word. He just stared at you in complete awe.
You: what happened? Cat got your tounge?
He chuckled giving you a kiss
Joao: I'm absolutely speechless
Dad: con cuidado los dos. Joao, me la cuidas muy bien
Joao put his hand next to his head like a soldier
Joao: yes sir. I won't take my eyes of off her the entire night.
Your dad walked inside along with the rest of the team. Diego avoided eye contact with you and Joao and followed your dad.
As soon as you and Joao stepped foot inside everyone's eyes were glued onto you both. You guys walked towards the carpet where they were taking photos. The photographers were yelling at you both left and right. Afterwards Joao went to go find your seats as you went to the bathroom. As you were blow drying your hands someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and saw Graciella wearing a white slim dress with LOTS of gems.
Graciella: ay prima you and Joao looked so adorable out there
You: what the fuck are you doing here?
Graciella: I'm Diego's plus one
You: hmm yeah. I should've imagined.
Graciella: you know I had come to support my man. He's taking that trophy home tonight. You just wait and see.
You: mhmmm.
You walked out leaving her in there.
You: liar. You "love me". Yeah right. What's that bitch doing here then? Huh?
You talked to yourself and shook your head pushing away the thought of the words Diego had told you the night before. You were walking and ran into the only person you were avoiding.
You: excuse me
Diego: no wait y/n
He grabbed your hand
You: Diego, Joao is waiting for me let go!
Diego: not until you listen
You: to what?
Diego: I meant what I said yesterday. It's not a joke. I really love you. I do.
You: really?
Diego: yes! Of course!
You: liar. You don't love me Diego. Who are you trying to fool?
Diego: nobody. Trust me!
You: I don't think I'll ever be able to trust you again Diego. Not after everything you've done to me.
He grabbed your hand and placed it above his chest.
Diego: this heart beats for you every day!
You: Diego drop the act
Diego: y/n just hear me out
You: no. I'm done hearing your lies.
Diego: how do you want me to prove to you that I love you?
You: just leave me alone please. Stop bothering me. I'm tired of you trying to hurt me
Diego: hurt you? How am I hurting you?
You chuckled
You: the pain you're causing me has a name
Diego: is it graciella?
You: what do you think?
Diego: no no. She's not special or anything she's just-
You: then why is she here with you?
Diego: what?
You: she's here as your plus one
Diego: I never invited her...
You: just stop. Leave me alone.
You walked away leaving him confused. As you were walking away you saw Kevin standing alone outside of the hall.
You: hey Kev.
Kevin: Y/N?
He was startled at the sound of your voice
You: yeahhh? What's wrong?
Kevin: nada
You: why are you here in this corner all alone? Are you waiting for someone?
He seemed very nervous
Kevin: ehh no no. Just catching some air, you know?
You: mhmmm. You sure you okay?
He nodded.
Kevin: Um Joao is asking about you by the w-
Suddenly you heard someone call Kevin's name. Both you and Kevin turned in the direction of the voice and were met with Brianna.
You: Brianna?
Her eyes widened at the sight of you

Your outfit:

Joao's outfit:

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Joao's outfit:


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Resisting Temptation Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora