Chapter 13: Plans

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“I don’t think she wanted to. She just didn’t want to be found. She also had to survive here. So I guess starting a whole new life just made sense to her.” I said trying to comfort the little blond girl.

Lily just smiled slightly and nodded. “I get it. I just wish she would have trusted me enough to tell me the truth.”

“Well that isn’t all.” I said. Lily looked at me with a worried face as she walked into the bed room and started grabbing things. I watched her then said “Skyler, or Alice or whatever, lost all her memories. But not ones from Alice, the ones she had as Skyler.” I said.

Lily didn’t turn around she just kept throwing things into bags. “So what you’re telling me, is that not only is Alice not Alice, she’s Skyler but she only remembers Alice’s life?” she asked confused.

“I guess that is how you put it.” I said, confused. This was all just too confusing. Even if Skyler would have only remember that past three years, her other made up self would have would have known she was Skyler. Right? But the girl in the hospital clearly didn’t remember being Skyler. It was like in some way Skyler didn’t want to be Skyler, she wanted to be Alice. Did Skyler really hate her past life so much as to have wanted to have never lived that life? I couldn’t help but think of the damage that had occurred to Skyler in her life. Her bastard father, beating her and her mother, the mental games he played and hell he put her through. The way she had to find out that the new life she had built was all just a lie to her. That her close family had also told lies. The way her mind worked, it wasn’t like a normal person’s mind. Everything to Skyler was like a slap to the face, the moment the pain would disappear another slap would come. It must have felt like there was no way out of the pain but to start over completely. It was all too much for Skyler to continue to live the way she was. So maybe this was a good thing, maybe her life would be better if she would have only been Alice. But yet again this stripping thing was a horrible. I started to shack with anger while I thought about it. Out of everything she could have done, stripping was what he picked. It just didn’t make sense to me why she did it. There would have had to be a reason right?

I heard a clap then a giggle of joy. Lily turned around with about ten or more bags packed and the room completely empty. How had I missed all of that? Was I really completely zoned out or what? “Okay, was everything in this room Skyler’s or what?” I asked confused.

“Or what!” she laughed. “Since Skyler is Alice, Alice or Skyler or whatever will only really remember me. So you need someone she trust.” Lilt laughed.

“Okay so…?”

“I’m coming with you guys!”

“No.” I said coldly.

“Why not!? You need me. Alice will be not happy to go anywhere with you two. So if I convince her that we are only going on a little trip it might give you two enough time to get her back to whoever she was before. And I can not only get to stay with my best friend I can leave this hell hole. It’s something Alice and I had planned together. We would leave together. One day. So no way in hell am I letting you take her without me.” Lily said.

I just stared into her determined green eyes and sighed. This girl was going to give me one hell of a headache.

Justin’s POV:

I stared at Skyler’s sleeping body. She looked so peaceful. I slowly stroked her black hair and frowned. I really missed her red hair. It was so beautiful. I felt helpless not being able to do anything to help her. It was like it was all just a bad dream and one day I would wake up, and it would be three years ago again and I still had Skyler safe in my sights.

But I knew reality was this. I was still in love with a girl who I couldn’t have. After everything I’ve been through the past two years to move on I still couldn’t forget about Skyler. It was hell. I thought that once I met someone else who I could be happy with all feeling I had for Skyler would disappear just like that. But in the end that wasn’t a possible thing.

I thought of Colleen and what I could do about her. I couldn’t just leave her because Skyler was back. It was my responsibility as the upcoming Alpha to lead the pack. And mating with Colleen would be good for it. “Ugh.” I looked up and noticed Skyler moving around.

I took her hand and held it. “Skyler are you okay?” I asked. I watched as she groaned and slowly opened her eyes. At least one thing hadn’t changed about her. Her blue green eyes were the same as always, absolutely beautiful.

“I’m Alice remember.” She said, her voice groggy from sleep.

“Oh yes, I’m sorry. You just look a lot alike a girl I know.”

She smiled at me and said sarcastically “Her name couldn’t be Skyler right?” she asked.

“Actually it is! How did you know?” I answered just as snippy.

“So you’re Justin right?”

“Yup that was the name on my birth certificate.” I answered/

She laughed, making it sound like little bells and then frowned in pain. “Ugh, my head hurts like hell.”

“Yes, well you have a concussion; I think headaches tend to happen.”

“I guess so.” She said with a smiled. Just then the door whipped open and in came that annoying little blonde girl from the club. She ran right up to Skyler and embraced her in a huge huge.

“ALICE OH GOD WHEN I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED I JUST UGH! I WANTED TO KILL YOU! NO WAY COULD YOU LEAVE ME HERE ALONE!” she cried out in a high pitch voice that hurt my ears. Oh god this girl was annoying.

Skyler just laughed and returned the hug. “Well you sure do have a lot of engery.”

“Of course I do!” the blonde laughed. “So guess what?” she said.


“We are going on a little vacation you and me!”

Skyler’s eyes grew big as she said “What no! We can’t! Tony will kill us!”

“Don’t worry sweet cheeks, I got him to give us some time off. Don’t worry. My cousin here,” the blonde said pointing to me “said he would kindly take us to his lovely home town for a nice peaceful relaxation time.”

I looked at the blonde like she was nuts till I saw Leo in the corner of my eye nod for me to go along with it. So when Skyler looked at me with questions in her eyes I just smiled and nodded.

“So that settles it!” the blonde said.

Oh god was she annoying. But when Skyler smiled at me, I suddenly forgot why I was so annoyed in the first place.

I Love You is a Horrible Thing to Say: A Tale of Two MatesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt