5: The Modern World

242 13 7

Status: Unedited

Published: December 29, 2022

You awoke to the sun blinding your eyes, peeping through your bedroom window which made you cover yourself with your blankets. Feeling uncomfortably hot underneath, you decided to turn around with your back facing the sun instead, taking off your blankets from your face.

You groaned as you heard your alarm clock ring loudly, reaching out your nightstand for your clock. It was nowhere to be found there so you stood up and looked for it with your own eyes instead, kicking it harshly towards the wall causing it to break into pieces.

You then slipped back in bed and snoozed.

But a call from Senku suddenly made you jolt up at the sudden tickling feeling, making you answer forcefully.

"... what the hell do you want..."

"Y/n! Love- we're here!" Senku's voice yells, making you raise an eyebrow in your half asleep state. "... what do you mean..." you asked again, still sleepy.

Senku laughs loudly, "we've arrived in your world!"

You nod, sleepily. It took you a few moments to process what Senku had just said, making you jump up from your bed with your hair still messy and eyes wide open.


~Time skip~

Training just like any other day other than yesterday, you smile widely at the thought that Senku and the Gang had now arrived in the Philippines. Your heart was literally flying in your chest, having the desire to beat out of your chest to fly freely to its desire.

Senku and the Generals decided to shelter everyone first before moving out as individuals in the Modern World, they— except the Ishigami Villagers, knew well they couldn't buy anything for their survival so they just decided to stick to their old ways until they've secured the average lifestyle that Modern individuals have.

"Senku's here... Senku's here... Senku's here... Senku's here..." you keep on repeating the phrase as you skip over to Lesley's office, dancing around with your wooden sword until you've reached the door to Lesley's office.

You slammed it open which made her flinch.

"Senku's here!" you yell, that same wide smile on your face showing Lesley your joy upon the news you have just delivered.

Lesley clapped her hands once and gave you a smile, "that's great news, Y/n. We were just notified an hour ago by Jake, he had a vision recently," she says, standing up from her desk and walking toward your bubbly self.

You didn't hesitate to jump and hug her, having her arms wrapped around you afterwards. "I'm happy for you, Y/n."

You smile and jump out of the Vice President's arms, off to run to Lavender.

Lesley shook her head with a small chuckle, "the President's lively today, I suppose it's a good sign."

You practically danced around to the back of the organization to find Lavender at the front leading the soldiers' training.

"Lavey~" your pitched up voice rang, making all the Soldiers go into their attention postures.

Lavender sheathed her sword and faced the soldiers, "adjourn!" she yells.

The soldiers all stepped back 3 times and saluted. "Thank you, Madam!" they all yelled before running back to their stations for a short break.

Lavender walked up to you whilst wiping away her sweat with her handkerchief, "what's up?" she asked, only to be engulfed into a hug by you.

"Senku's here!"

Lavender smiles and hugs back despite her sweaty body, "yup, I heard. Congratulations N/n, you'll finally get to meet him soon," she says.

It all kept on going like that with you telling everyone that Senku is now in your world, it was like bragging your new toy you got from Christmas.

Senku and the Generals as always are leading their friends, telling them what they need to do for their shelter that is currently under construction.

Ukyo somehow finally got better when he woke up to Senku's scream and he followed every order given to him to scout the area, Kohaku by his side.

Chrome found a plastic bag by the street near the 3 floored building and took it back to their group. "Look what I just found!" he proudly shows his scavenged items to Ryusui who smiled at what the young scientist found.

"A bag of clothes!" the Captain yells, making Senku walk to his direction.

Senku scratched his head as the villagers just looked at the clothes laid out on the ground in curiosity. "What are they, Senku?" asked Kaseki.

Senku explains what the soft materials were to them, "this is what modern people wear. They're casual clothing, there's more to this though. Chrome, thanks for finding these— we have enough for 5 people to wear them."

Ryusui calls forth the two other Generals, Chrome and Gen and left out a decent pair for Ukyo to change into after he gets back from scouting.

Ryusui calls forth the two other Generals, Chrome and Gen and left out a decent pair for Ukyo to change into after he gets back from scouting

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The villagers were in awe at what they're wearing, they looked very nice in their clothes.

Senku sniffs his shirt. "They smell like like my choice of perfume..."

Suika blinks, "perfyum?"

Senku smiles and pats her head, "yeah. It's a substance that makes you smell good."

Ruri tilts her head to the side a little, "why does one want to smell good? We smell just fine."

Gen hides his face in his haori sleeves, "about that..."

Chrome checks out Ukyo's clothing and a piece of paper fell from his clothes. Chrome took notice and took the piece of paper, handing it to Senku.

"This fell out of Ukyo's clothes," he says. Senku looks at the neatly folded paper and opened it, finding a message written in English.

"I know you have arrived, dear Saviour. I have prepared you clothes and money for you might need it. I'll be watching you everyday as Lesley had ordered me to so worry not for I am your friend, not a foe.

Arlington Smith."

Gen blinked at the familiar name. He couldn't remember where he heard it thousands of years ago, but he was sure that it was a stage name back in their world. Gen shrugged it off and walked away to find something to eat.

Ryusui smiles, "we have an ally looking out for us then which is good news."

"Indeed..." says Senku with a small smile.

"We'll start out tomorrow as normal citizens of this city. For now, let's have our rest. You all deserve it," Senku announces.

With that, everyone retreated to their stations to continue their sleep as Senku stays curled up in his tent with the same smile on his face.

Word Count: 1089

True Colors: Finally Found (Senku x Fem!Reader) Dr. Stone X Demon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now