Akaashi | Task Focus

Start from the beginning

"Well, what happened?"

Akaashi fidgeted with his fingers. "(y/n) was uncharacteristically quiet today and went straight to the library instead of watching our practices as usual."

Bokuto tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. " ...That's it?"

"What do you mean 'That's it,' this isn't normal at all. There must be some hidden meaning," Akaashi insisted indignantly. 

Bokuto rested his hands on his hips and sighed as if he were dealing with a child throwing a tantrum. "Listen, Agaashi—"


"—Akaashi, lemme ask you something: did you do anything to possibly make (y/n) upset?"

Akaashi frowned. "No, not that I can think of anything."

"Then there's nothing to worry about! (y/n) probably just has a major exam to study for, midterms are coming up after all. You overthink things too much bro, take it easy." He reassuringly slapped Akaashi's back. 

As much sense as Bokuto made(surprisingly), Akaashi couldn't help but still feel worry knot deep down. 

"But what if—"

"No what-ifs!" Bokuto shook his head forcefully. "If you're still worried, then just ask! Communication is key in relationships; you should know that by now considering you've been dating for a month!"

For once, Akaashi couldn't argue back against Bokuto. Of course, how could he forget the easiest solution to his worries? Once again, he was reminded that although his upperclassman wasn't exactly the brightest, he certainly still possessed some semblance of common sense.

"But Bokuto-san, you don't actually have any dating experience, do you?"


✧ ✦ ✧

Akaashi Keiji: Practice just ended, I'll meet you at the library

After three hours of nonstop studying, seeing your boyfriend's text was like a refreshing wave of water. You quickly packed up your bag and rushed out to meet him.

As the two of you walked towards the metro station, you suddenly stopped and turned to Akaashi. You breathed in nervously since you had never done this before.

"Akaashi . . . can I hug you?"

Without saying anything, Akaashi simply wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in a warm hug. Even though he'd just got off from practice, there wasn't the unpleasant smell of sweat still lingering. In response, you wrapped your hands around his back and buried your face into his chest. Suddenly, the feelings of stress you'd been feeling all day melted away, like warm sunshine thawing snow. The two of you stayed in the hug for a good moment, embracing each other's warmth.

Maybe it was the way he'd noticed your distress and simply hugged you instead. Maybe it was the way he gently held you like you were something precious, that made you feel like you were falling for him all over again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He eventually murmured, gently patting your head. 

"...I failed the recent math test, and now I'm scared I will also fail the math midterms." You stayed buried in his chest, afraid he'd make fun of you.

As one of the smartest students of your year, Akaashi probably found the reason you've been worrying all day absurd. Heck, you were even willing to bet that he probably doesn't know what a failing grade is. 

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