Chapter Six: Suspicious Behavior

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 I was walking alone down the endlessly busy streets of Morioh, I was sent to check out and around for Kira. Just in case you know, he's easy to spot. I was lost in thought when I rounded a corner and ran into someone, we both fell to the floor. 
 "I'm so sorry!!" I jolted back upwards to see who I'd knocked over. "Nevermind." I muttered as I saw Rohan stand up and dust himself off. 
 "What are you doing here, Kakyoin?" Rohan raised an eyebrow at me, I stood up. 
 "Same thing you are.. I think." I said as I saw the camera in his hands. He rolled his eyes, 
 "That so? Well, you can tag along if you want just don't get in my way." He said before he continued walking. My eyebrows furrowed as I put my hands on my hips, I watched him walk out into the street. Dickhead. I muttered something to myself before sprinting after him. 
 "What exactly are you doing?" I asked as I caught up to him, he turned to me. 
 "Taking pictures of anyone suspicious, but I didn't expect to run into you. Where's Jotaro?" He asked as he shoved his camera into people's faces and vigorously snapped photos. I sighed.
 "He's back at our hotel, I think he's looking over stuff." I mumbled as I followed behind, "aren't we supposed to remain low profile?" I asked. Rohan shrugged and kept snapping photos.

 "Rohan!!" I shouted as he ran into an office worker after snapping another one of his dumb photos. He fell to the floor, but the office worker just stood there.
 "My apologies." The office worker said, he stood out compared to the other workers, to say the least. He had black and white hair and a face that looked.. traumatized, in a way. As if it didn't belong to him. Rohan got up and dusted himself off. 
 "Watch where you're going!" Rohan scoffed as he looked away. I glared at him. 
 "I'm sorry about my friend here-" I tried to apologize.
 "I am not your friend, Kakyoin!" Rohan glared at me. 
 "Shut up!!! I'm so sorry about my friend for bothering you, he has special needs." I glared at Rohan. 
 "No I do not!!"
 "Oh, it's quite alright. I wasn't bothered to begin with. I hope he gets the help he needs." The office worker frowned. "I must be off to work now, goodbye." He said before rushing past us. 

 "Special needs!? I do not have special needs! I'll have you know I have never ever ever been diagnosed with anything in my entire life!" Rohan shouted as a little kid shoved past him. 
 "Maybe you should get the doctor to double-check. Now come on, those dumb photo's aren't gonna take themselves."

 I continued to follow Rohan around, having nothing better to do, as he snapped more random pictures of random people I knew I'd never see again. Eventually we ran into Joseph and... a baby?
 "Don't tell me you cheated on Suzie Q twice!! Caesar would be so disappointed in you if he were still here!!" I glared at Joseph. 
 "No no you have it all wrong! This isn't my kid it's...." Joseph stopped.
 "It's someone else's, we don't know whose." Rohan added on. What!? 
 "You kidnapped someone's kid!?" 
 "N-No it's not like that!!" Joseph shouted, glaring at Rohan. He explained what was going on here with the pale baby in sunglasses. 
 "If I ever lost Jolyne.. I don't know what I'd do.." I muttered as I stared at the baby, Shizuka. 
 "Who's Jolyne??" Rohan raised an eyebrow at me.
 "My daughter." I stared back at him.
 "Y-You and Jotaro.. Have a daughter?"

 I followed Rohan around for the rest of the day, and he finally started to be nicer to me halfway through it. I even started to grow slightly fond of him after he wasn't an asshole. I was halfway home after we'd finished when I got a call on my cellphone, I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked into the phone.
 "Kakyoin!" I heard Rohan shout at me through the phone. "I need you to come analyze these photos at my house, some of the ones I took today. There's something interesting about some of the details in one of them.. And I think a genius like me could work better if I had someone to write all of my ideas to." He explained into the phone. I groaned.
 "Okay. I'll be over in a minute." I sighed before hanging up. I shoved my phone back in my pocket. I vaguely remembered the address he gave me while we were talking today, without asking him I asked someone for directions to it and rushed over. 
 As soon as I arrived at Rohan's house I was shoved into a room with pictures covering every inch of the wall. But he seemed very focused on one. I walked up next to him to analyze it with him.
 "That's the guy you knocked over earlier." I pointed out after I finally recognized him.
 "Yes, but that's not the point! Look behind him." Rohan pointed to something in the background.
 "Is that.. A kid??" I asked as I looked at the photo, a child no older than 9 was photographing the man Rohan ran into. "Is he photographing that dude?" I asked again.
 "I think so, but why would he be doing that?? And I also noticed- This is a school boy, he has his name on his backback; Hayato Kawajiri. I did some digging and found out that the man he is recording is his father, Kosaku Kawajiri." Rohan explained before glancing at me. 
 "Why would some kid be following his dad around taking videos of him??" I questioned. And then it finally clicked on what he was trying to explain to me. "Y-You.. You don't think that Kosaku guy is Kira, r-right?"

 "Think about it, Kakyoin. Kira Yoshikage changed his face. Didn't that man seem strange to you? As if he didn't belong in his body, and that little boy. He knows there's something wrong with his dad. You don't see kids recording their dads everyday."
 "How are you gonna know? Are you gonna track that kid down and ask if his dad's a serial killer? I saracastically laughed.
 "Not exactly, but I can look for where he lives and what school he goes to. And then we can confront him." Rohan added on. I raised an eyebrow at him. 
 "I'm calling Jotaro.."
 "Please do, I'd appreciate it." 

 "So you two think this Hayato kid's dad is Kira?" Jotaro asked me and Rohan as he observed the photos.
 "Yes." Rohan said.
 "I think." I muttered. We watched as Jotaro took the photo off the wall and started to take every detail into count. 
 "It wouldn't hurt to ask.." Jotaro mumbled as he looked at the photo. He sighed. "Fine. Let's do it. I'll find his schedule, and we'll confront him tomorrow."

 Word Count: 1166

 I'm finally writing stuff that matters again! I hope you guys thought this chapter was okay, because I'm not too sure. But we're moving in the right direction to the end! And then I will start reworking the extras book again! There are only four more chapters left, and I have one of them written! We're almost done!
 Love y'all, thanks for being patient with me for so long!!
<3 Misa

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