Chapter Two: Tailor-Shop Disaster, Part. 1

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 We ran towards the scream, my stomach was churning as we rushed. We finally caught a glimpse of a kid on their knees, hand over their stomach. 
 "Are you okay?!" I asked as I ran over to them. They groaned.
 "Yes.. I'm fine." The kid reassured me as they looked up at me. He looked behind me. "Mr. Jotaro??" He asked, quickly standing up.
 "Koichi??" Jotaro raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?? And why are you screaming?" The kid slightly laughed. 
 "Well! I was on my way to meet you at the cafe but then I ran into Josuke, then we talked for a little bit. So I might have been a little late if I hadn't ran into you! And as for the screaming, haha, I'm just anxious because of everything that's happening and my stomachs been upset." Koichi explained before turning to me. "Is this the person you wanted us to meet??"
 "Yes, her name's Noriaki K. Kujo. I sent her here to help us since she's another stand user." I smiled down at Koichi. 
 "It's great to meet you." I smiled at Koichi, who widened his eyes at me.
 "Kujo?? As in she's your..?" 
 "Yeah, don't bring it up to much or else." Jotaro glared, I rolled my eyes. 

 "Oh, I almost forget to mention.." Koichi said as we walked to the cafe. He shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out a.. button?? "Josuke gave this to me, said that he found it where.. you know." He handed the button to Jotaro, 
 "Why didn't you mention this earlier??"
 "I-I don't know!! Like I already said! I just kinda.. forgot." Jotaro shook his head.
 "Where do you think you're going??" I asked as he began to walk away from me and Koichi, in the exact opposite direction we came from. "The cafe's that way, right?" He stopped and looked at me,
 "We're taking a little detour, I have an idea of where this button is from. Are you two coming?" Jotaro smirked at us before he continued walking. 
 "I-" I glared at him. Koichi began to follow Jotaro before he stopped and turned back to me. 
 "Are you coming- uh.. Mrs. Kujo??"
 "I don't really have a choice in the matter, and just call me Kakyoin.." I mumbled before sprinting to catch up with Jotaro and Koichi. 

 "And we're here," Jotaro said as the three of us stopped in front of a shop on the opposite side of town. It was a.. shoe shop?
 "Jotaro, this is a button, not a shoe." I pointed out as I crossed my arms. 
 "Well, yeah, but that sign says it does basic tailoring." Jotaro pointed at a sign by the door. 
 "Okay then.. I'll wait out here while you go test your little theory." I gave them each a smile and a slight wave. 
 "If you're not gonna help, why are you here??" Jotaro asked before grabbing my arm and dragging me inside, Koichi quickly followed us from behind.  
 The door's tiny bell rang as we opened the door. An old man behind a counter quickly poked his head up, giving us a warm smile. 
 "Welcome! What can I help you with?" He asked as Jotaro let go of me, he cleared his throat before walking up to the counter. 
 "I was wondering if you had any clients who had this button on their clothing." Jotaro explained as he handed the old man the button. I sighed and leaned up against the wall. The old man began inspecting it very carefully. I glanced down at Koichi, who was right next to me. I couldn't quite read his expression, maybe it's because I didn't know him. I turned away and walked up besides Jotaro at the counter.
 The old man was still inspecting the button until he finally stopped. 
 "Yes actually, one of my regular clients came in to replace a button very much like this one on their jacket. Saying it had been ripped off." 

 Me and Jotaro froze, exchanging a quick glance. The old man yawned as he handed the button back to us. I leaned against the counter. 
 "You wouldn't happen to know said client's name, would you?" I asked, crossing my arms. 
 "Would I? You have to be joking ma'am, of couse I do! I keep all of my client's names in the ol' noggin here." The old man laughed, "but I do get fuzzy with names so I always get a tag on the clothing that says their names." He turned around and walked into a back room, we all stood there in silence until he came back with a purple jacket on a hanger, parking it right outside the room. "I got it right here!" He smiled at us before looking inside the jacket at a white piece of paper. 

 "Oh... What character is this again?? I can't remember.." The old man frowned as he grabbed a cup of hot tea sitting off to the side. 
 "Here let me help!" Koichi offered as he started walking past me and Jotaro. I had an off feeling, I glanced at Jotaro and it seemed that he had a similiar one. I grabbed Koichi by his shoulder just before he passed me. "H-Hey!" He shouted at me. 
 I was about to answer when a strange sound stopped me, I looked towards the old man. He had stopped moving, "sir?" I asked, tightening my grip on Koichi. 
 "O v e r   h e r e.." A deep voice called out to us as the old man began to slightly tremble. That wasn't the old man.. Was it??
 "Is everything alight??" Jotaro asked the old man, exchanging a worried glance with me. 
 "M-My h-han-hand..." The old man stuttered.
 "What happened to your hand?" 
 "It-!!" We all screamed as something threw the old man towards us. His body hit the wall a few feet behind us with a loud thud. 
 "Sir!!" Koichi shouted as he tried to break free from my grip again. "Stop!!"
 "You stoppit!! We're in a bad situation here!!" I shouted back at him.
 "Is someone else here?" Jotaro called out.
 "Or something!" I added with a grunt as I tried to keep Koichi in my grasp, but he finally broke free and ran towards the old man. 

 "O V E R   H E R E. . ."

 Word Count: 1059

 i love- like LOVE to point out all the weird shit in this show or shit that doesn't make sense. like how in the chili pepper episode akira or whatever his name was didn't get split in half when his stand did and then later still didn't die when his stand did. like what. i don't knowwwwwwwwwww anyways so happy that this is finally getting reposted and i hope you guys all like it!! love you! <3

edit made on november 15th-28th to change some gayass shit to be more in line with the show because if it's not i'll cry from how uncreative i am. originally posted on oct. 5th because i like to keep track of stuff like this
 and if you care i am listening to love supreme by fhana because i am obsessed with dragon maid 

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