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It's August 3rd and daytime right now. I have some work to do for the company such as buildings I need to approve of, houses I need people to sell, new products, and more things that would take me forever to say!

Overall...it'll keep me company for awhile from all of the chores I need to do. Probably will take me until the sun sets. I was lucky enough to get a male yukata from somewhere since they've gotten sold out fast in places I've seen. Don't they have old yukatas they could wear already? But at the same time, they would like a style change...

Thinking about it...

I kinda need new clothes since some of them don't look good on me anymore. Maybe I could shop a bit...

Nah. Too lazy for that.

I'll just watch some television after my work is done. Maybe my freetime can also be with some illegal shit I guess...


It's now nighttime and me? I don't got to do shit when it's this date. Even though Draken is stabbed, he still alive and so is everybody else. I'll just relax for the festival and eat as much as I want! I got to the Musashi Festival when it's not as crowded, playing some games and eating. I'm in a male yukata that was navy. Due to my hair style and face, I passed as guy, not suprising since I'm always assumed male. I mean, I was born as a female, but I don't really care. Maybe I'll grow my hair out someday...

Walking around, I bought grilled squid, yakitori, and a milk drink. Eatting the food, actually wasn't that bad. I usually don't eat squid, but it's grilled perfectly and soy sauce gives it flavor. Yakitori, aka chicken on skewers, is seasoned well and has juices flowing out of it when I bite into it, I like eatting a bit of chicken so this is pretty nice...

Drinking some milk to clense my throat, I just kept on walking to another stall, but walking besides me, shit.

There's Draken and Emma together, I mean congrats to them, but still...I didn't think they'd come here this early. Eating some of my grilled squid, I accidentally bump into Emma and apologize to her before walking away. I actually should have dyed my white hair streak...I stand out too much with it. They'll probably even remember it...

I went to play a few games and didn't win anything since the games were mostly, if not, all rigged.

This was actually boring...wow.


Walking to a secluded area near by, I suddenly heard some fighting going on. Punching and kicking and guys just getting their shit beat out of. Of course, I could beat the shit out of them, BUT I'M IN A GOD DAMN YUKATA.

I'll just watch while I eat ny leftover grilled beef skewers. Eating while watching I'm the sidelines is nice. The people fight have black or white uniforms, they probably just some gang members that aren't important to me. It's rainy, but the trees covering me don't make me drenched with the drops of water coming from the clouds. You know, I always though of rain as Jesus and him taking a fat fucking piss. Have fun knowing that everytime it's raining bitches.

While watching, there's some guy who has doritios cool ranch hair, and it's gonna become flat. There's also some blond dude kicking the shit out of him. DIRECT THE KICKS AT THE BALLS, THINK SMARTER HOE.

Guess I should call the police...

Going though a deeper part of the tree filled area, told the police thhe location and such. The fight's gonna make them all get the flu and along with them all getting soggy.

The fighting stopped since the popo were comming, flat doritios cool ranch has left. I'm leaving, getting out the trees, I just look at my flip phone and see that, it's pretty late outside. Kinda wish I knew how to smoke...

"...eh good fight, I guess, I wanted better entertainment..." I say looking at Mitsuya. "Thanks for the show, Mitsuya-kun."

"Raze...?" He says looking at me confused, I did break contact with him for what, 2 years? Not suprising he'd be suprised.

"You should probably leave, sirens are full blown and blasting loud. Don't want any of y'all caught." Running in my clothes, CRAP IT'S HARD TO RUN IN, AND IT'S RAINING TOO. I NEEDA GET TO MY APARTMENT.


Okay so it's been a few days since it was August 3rd and I'm going out to eat cause, I'M A LAZY FUCK WHO DOESN'T WANT TO COOK. Anyways, I'm wearing a white sleeveless, gray sweatpants, gray large hoodie jacket, and some brow flip flops. I look poor in this! Also my clothing taste is fucking basic! I would wear something nicer, but I'm lazy as hell!

I guess I'll just go to a random vending machine with drinks and something small to eat. I got an orange soda, fuck drinking strawberry soda, that's for stupid bitches. Kidding...you got that reference, did ya?

Honestly, despite wearing a hoodie in the god damn heat, it's big, so it's pretty breathable. Walking around while drinking, there were tons of stores and advertisements. Even saw one of the Huang Co., how nice is that...

Bumped into somebody...jeez why does that always happen...

"Ah sorry." I saw that I messed up their shirt, crap. I was about to bow, before looking up at them. "Oh, Mitsuya-san."

"Hey Raze..."

"...you should get cleaned up..."


And so, Mitsuya did in a public restroom while I was waiting outside. I'm drinking another orange soda since I drenched his shirt, losing all my previous soda. Seeing him come out, I chugged the entire thing before throwing it inside a trashcan to recycle it and followed him.

"So uh...been awhile and-"

"Almost 2 years..." He said cutting me off. "We haven't talked to each other for almost 2 years, same thing with Hakkai. Why?"

"...I uh..." I said pulling on my sleeves a bit. I'll...have to lie. "I can't tell ya. I'm sorry."

"I see..."

Truth is Mitsuya, I just didn't feel like anybody I knew connected with me, almost everybody I met, I just disconnected with them. It's because of the fact I isolate myself...


"Yeah so uh...Mitsuya, wanna grab somethin' to eat..." Scratching my nape a bit. "I'll pay."



We got ramen to eat, it was the same brand as the one Kakucho showed me, but in Shibuya.

"Alright, see ya!" Waving to Mistuya.

"Stay safe."



"N-no problem!" He says studdering, his voice...

Brown hair...

Probably just some random guy that looks like him.


For sure.


A/N: Hmmmmm...I wonder who's that!


Anyways lololol after Vahalla arc, might be another hiatus.


I have finals and shit, you know, like a normal student and stuff. Also because I'm waiting for season 2 to get animated n shit. ANYWAYS-

Also ya'll remember that Jujutsu Kaisen x OC book I mention, I deleted and discontinued it cause it kinda sucked in my opinion, might do another one.

Maybe Blue Exorcist or a redo of Jujutsu Kaisen? Even Twisted Wonderland is an option. Or Food Fantasy...

I have a lot of pretty good ideas rn...

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