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"I'm in a big box. With lots of room to roam, wander and be free. You're in small box. With little room to roam and be free" screeched my physics teacher with her high obnoxious voice. I stared into her eyes to show how serious I am. "I think you got it the opposite way Ms. James" I snarked. I got off my seat and walked out of the class room.

As I walked down the empty halls of Kimberly High I pondered if all the dirt and mould would be gone if we had effective janitors. If we wouldn't have vandalized lockers and walls if the many students in this school would have some self respect and if the teachers in this school would have some real dignity if they weren't underpaid and in general, just miserable. Ms. James is one of those many teachers and I am the only one trying to help her. Although she doesn't realize what I am doing for her, once I am gone and out of her life, she will realize her true self and that will help every idiotic self righteous student in this school.

I walk all the way to the main doors, straight out through the field, at the edge of the field I squeezed myself through I small hole in the metal fence surrounding the west side of the school. The whole opens out onto some old abandoned railroad tracks that haven't been used in years. They wined through trees, past rivers and fields. In reality its a beautiful walk.

I walk along the tracks for a while. Thinking about nothing but the cool breeze and trying to stay balanced as I stand on the metal piece sticking out of the tracks. I walk for about five miles. Its a truck but at around the five mile point you hit this cute little coffee shop in the middle of nowhere. I think its somewhere off route 6. I wave inside to Eryk as he was taking an order from what looked like another grumpy elderly couple.

I walk around to the front. "Hey Eryk!" I yelled across shop "Have you missed me?" I said with pure joy. The elders grimaced as Eryk ran to me while they were in mid sentence, but neither of a cared. He hugged me at tight as he could. Not that he could suffocate me or anything. He was one of those supper skinny guys, little muscle, tall, messy brown hair, skinny jeans and you can't forget the hipster glasses. He looks like a typical gay guy but he has a girlfriend, so he pure straight. "Oh my god! Of course I've missed you. Where have you been? Its almost been a month. I can't believe you didn't say goodbye...". I let him ramble on for about minute. Its almost impossible to stop him when he starts. "So! What happened?".

"Parents" Thats all I had to say to shut him up. He knows its a sensitive subject.

"Ahh, here, here" He showed to a booth and slowly help me into it like I was a baby "Tell me all about it" He said with a concerned voice. I took me a moment to gather my breaths. I was trying my hardest not to break into a full sob. Eryk was very patient.

When I finally decided I was ready to talk I decided to start from the beginning. "You know how I've been telling you about Ms. James" I gazed up at him.

Eryk rolled his eyes "Yah, your bitch physics teacher right? Uh I am so glad i'm not in high school anymore".

I sassed "Yah, well about a month ago she decided it was time to email my mother about how I had been acting out in class" I kind of felt bad for being rude to hime but I wasn't in a super apologetic mood.

"What? No she can not do that"

"Oh I know but it gets worse"

"How can it get any worse than that?"

"Well she decided to send me to rehab!" I screamed.

"Calm down, Just take a deep breath. remember what you always say to me when I rant too much. In through the nose and through the mouth. In through the nose out through the mouth"

My breathing followed his voice. Its sounds cheesy but it actually really helps. My breathing slowed and Eryk went on "So you got sent to a drugs and smoking rehab for attitude?" He didn't quite understand.

"No!" I screamed again "I mean I got sent to 'The Freedom institute a place where young adults can grow and nurture their minds to find their higher self'"

Eryk starts laughing as hard as he possibly could. I lightly slap him and say "Its not funny! It was more like a bunch of modern cabins in the middle of who knows where. They give you creepy pills and over processed food. I felt like I was in a dystopian future!"

Eryk just continues laughing his face off. I look around and see that elderly couple glaring at us.

"Shit Eryk you should probably go serve that couple"

"Your right" Eryk got up then turn around to me with his cute little notebook and pen. "But first what would you like Lena Mason, the usual?"

I laughed at Eryk at his attempt professional voice.

"Yes of course sir. You don't even need to ask."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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