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In a otome game a girl has been trapped in it by being run over by a truck.Catarina Claes a girl from a noble family was selfish and greedy she always yells at her maids even though she did something wrong.

"No!"Catarina yelled "this is not what I wanted!!"she yelled and yelled at her maids
"why is the ribbon blue?!Change it!Right now!"she complained.

"B-but My lady,you chose this..."one the maids told her "who cares about that?!"Catarina asked the maid "right now,I want pink!"she ordered the maids.

"W-we don't have a pink one..."the maid told her "you're so useless!All of you are fired!"she said to them pissed.

"My dear Catarina"her father walked in the room "father!"Catarina excitedly run towards her father with open arms.When she looked at his father's back she saw a boy an unwillingly handsome boy.

"Catarina,this is Geordo Stuart the third prince of the kingdom"her father introduced the boy to Catarina.

"Go on introduce yourself"her father told her "how do you do?I'm Catarina Claes"she made a curtsey as a sign of respect to the prince "nice to meet you,Catarina.I am Geordo Stuart"Catarina immediately admired Geordo for his looks even her eyes can't deny it.

After there meeting Catarina and Prince Geordo walked in the Palace Garden.

"These flowers are born from the dedication of our gardener"Catarina didn't listen to Geordo because she is clinging into his shoulders.

"Which kind of flowers do you like,Catarina?"the prince asked her but she was comfortable clinging into his shoulders that she never utter a single thing.

"U-um..."Geordo was feeling uncomfortable because of Catarina "I can't walk on my own,my feet are hurting"Catarina said to him.

"Could there be blisters on my feet?"she ask him "it's possibly good if you go to your room now"Geordo suggested to her "oh,I'm fine like this"she told him.

"Still..."Geordo stopped cause he seen his twin brother Prince Alan.Alan glanced at him but immediately scoffed and walked away.

"What was that?How rude!"said Catarina "that was my younger brother Alan"Geordo told her "my!He doesn't look like you at all!"Catarina gasped cause they don't have similarities.

Geordo look at her a second then talk "yes,everybody says so"he looked disappointed by telling her that then walked away while saying "your feet seem to be fine now,Catarina".

"Oh,wait!Prince Geordo!"she run towards Geordo but in her luck she walked over a step that isn't fix made her slip head first.

By bumping her head she remembered something or seen something.She seen a new born baby crying in her mother's arms and three men surrounding them who are these people? she asked her self .

She saw a girl with a backpack climbing a tree where have I seen this before...? she asked her self again what's with this monkey? she quite insulted the girl.

Then she saw a dog barking and chasing a girl I really can't stand dog's,they always bark at me every morning for some reason.Wait,why would I know that?she
asked herself again.

At the last vision she saw a person or more likely a girl playing in a room where is this?A storeroom?or perhaps a doghouse? she asked herself once again but somehow she remembered something wait,I know this...This is my room!And this is...Me?! she was shocked because she saw her own reflection in a television.

All she can see was darkness but she heard voices calling her name.

"Are you all right,Catarina?!"


"Are you all right?"

"My lady,can you hear me?"

That was me...?she asked herself I immediately turned into a otaku in middle school.Got to highschool started an obsession on otome games,played one all night and was to be late for school,so I rushed to the street and... I died at the age of seventeen!That wasn't a dream!They were my memories from my previous life! she stand up immediately when she realized she died at the age of seventeen but as she finish thinking she fall over once again.

"My lady!"

A Few Days Later in The Claes Mansion

"How are you feeling?"Geordo asked Catarina "I'm fine now,the fevers pretty much gone"she told him with a smile on her face "I see...I'm truly sorry.Your face was scarred because of me"he bow to her as a sign of apology "no!I'm the one who should apologize!I made everyone worry"Geordo and Anne was shocked at what Catarina said to them cause they would fairly know she would blame him but as this moment she wasn't the same.

"Besides, it's just a scratch nothing to worry about..."she taked off the bandage in her forehead that made them more shocked.

Geordo stood up from her seat "s-still,even if it doesn't bother you,the other nobles would think otherwise.It might affect your future marriage"he told her "R-right..."

-Nobles and their high society...
-i have an idea

-They're actually way more things to worry
-what if the two of us get engaged?

-about when you're one of them
-of course,I will respect your wishes as well

On hindsight,my previous life was so much more free... she was occupied by her thinking.

"So would you be all right with that, Catarina?"Geordo asked her but her mind was out of the world to listen to him "Uh,sure!"she answered even though she didn't listen to him.

"Well then,I will reintroduce myself formally on another day"she waved goodbye at him with a smile.

"Reintroduce himself...?"she asked herself
"My lady!"Anne walked towards her and squeeze her shoulders "congratulations!"Catarina was confused "huh?for what?"she asked her "but of course, your engagement to Prince Geordo!"she was shocked "What did you say?!"she asked her with a high pitched voice.

Fortune Lover:Catarina's next life as a villainessWhere stories live. Discover now