Taking Sami's words to heart, you get changed and then head out for the Brawling Brutes locker room. When you arrive at the door you knock twice and wait.

"Yeah?" Ridge Holland answers the door a few minutes later. "Oh, hey, Y/N. What's going on?" He leans against the door casually.

"Hey, Ridge." You greet him back with a friendly smile. "Is Pete in there? I was hoping to talk to him before my match later." You explain.

Ridge shakes his head and steps out of the way of the door to reveal an empty locker room. "He stepped out a few minutes ago to take a call." He explains. "And I could hear some real angry broad arguing with him as he left in a hurry." He adds.

"Oh." You reply with a bit of worry.

Ridge sees the worried look on your face and realizes the information that he's just dropped on you. "I'm sure it was a work call is all." He assures you with a small smile. "You're welcome to wait for him here if you'd like."

"No, that's alright." You shake your head. "Thanks anyway, Ridge. I'll see you later." You dismiss yourself.

You walk away with all kinds of wild thoughts swimming around in your mind. 'Could Pete be cheating on me?' You ask yourself. 'Is that why he's been acting so distant lately?'

You head out for your match with Shotzi and end up losing it. You try your best to focus on the match but all your focus falls on Pete. You don't want to believe that he'd ever cheat on you. No woman does. But it seems so plausible now. You can't get the thought out of your head for the rest of the night.

After Smackdown you are settling into the hotel room when Pete finally arrives. He sets his bags down and shuts the door, announcing his arrival at the same time. "Y/N? Love? Sorry, I'm late, doll. I had a meeting with Hunter." He explains. "I would have called but my phone died at the show and I didn't want to be late for the meeting. Y/N?"

Pete glances around the hotel room but can't seem to find you. He walks up to the bathroom door and hears the shower running so he peaks his head in the door.

"Y/N? Love?" Pete calls out to you.

"I'm showering, Pete." You call back to him, in a sour mood now from letting your intrusive thoughts stew all night.

Pete steps into the bathroom with a nod. "I can see that, love." He chuckles. "How was your night?" He asks you "Ridge told me that you stopped by the locker room looking for me. Was there something you needed to talk about, love?"

"Nothing important." You turn the shower off and step out of it, shouldering past Pete on your way by.

Pete watches you shoulder passed him with a perplexed look. His eyes follow you out of the bathroom and to your suitcase sitting at the edge of your bed.

"Y/N? Love?" Pete walks after you. "Is there something wrong? You seem angry." He approaches you cautiously.

You turn your back to your boyfriend and dig around for some clothes to sleep in. "Nothings wrong, I'm fine." You insist coldly.

"Y/N, come on, I know that's not true." Pete pushes you. "You're angry at something, I know that for sure." He insists. "You want to tell me what's wrong so I can help?"

"I'm fine, Pete!" You snap. "I'm tired and just want to go to bed, okay?"

Pete nods, a bit surprised at your outburst. Dunne's known you for years, and you've never been someone that keeps your feelings and emotions to yourself.

All the next day you give Pete the cold shoulder. Then when the wargames pay-per-view that WWE is putting on rolls around later in the night, things get even worse.

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