Big Time Audition

Start from the beginning

"How dare you?!" Camille cried while Destiny winced from the echo the slap caused. "What we had was real, but you threw it all away for Trish! Trish! My sworn enemy! I never wanna see you again, Troy! Never!"

Camille shrieked before she walked away from the boys, crying. Destiny sighed before she followed her friend. She stopped in front of the blonde first.

"My bad about Camille," she began apologizing while the other three boys gawked at her. "She usually warns someone before slapping them." Destiny sighed before she ran after her friend. "Camille!"

Kendall looked over at the girls confusingly. "What just happened?" he asked.

"I don't know but that last girl is hot," James said.

"You new guys just met Camille, the Palm Woods method actress queen," Tyler, the juice box commercial kid, said from his hiding place in the trash. Kendall removed the lid to the trash and Tyler rose up. "And the other girl is Destiny, she mostly hangs out here to get away from her dad. I'm Tyler. You may have seen me acting on various juice box commercials. Only, I don't wanna be an actor. I wanna be a kid!"

Destiny caught up with Camille. "Camille, you just can't slap random strangers," she began scolding.

"But you gotta admit, they were hot," she said.

"That I can agree but what if they were psycho? Or pull a Hannibal Lector on you?"

"Ok, you need to stop watching horror films, they're giving you ideas."

Destiny sighed before spotting Kelly at the front desk. "Oh, they must be back," she said. She waved Camille goodbye before heading towards Kelly. "Hey, Kelly. Glad you're back."

"You know Gustavo was worried sick about you," she said.

"Worried implies that he cares about me. Which he doesn't," Destiny argued.

Kelly pursed her lips before pulling out a small rectangular box from her pocket. "If he doesn't care, then he wouldn't have gotten you this."

Destiny opened the box to reveal a nice golden bracelet. She closed the box before handing it back to Kelly. "No. He's just trying to buy my love. Which it can't be bought." She smiled before digging through her bag and handing out a small box for Kelly. "But I did see this at the mall and wanted you to have it. Gustavo might not show how much he appreciates you, but I do. And if he's here then I'm assuming the band is here, too."

"Yup. Do you wanna meet them?"

"Sure, it's not like I've got nothing better to do."

Kelly grinned at her before motioning her to follow. They arrived back at the pool and Kelly walked up to the four boys from earlier.

"Ok, mom's all checked in, your sister complained again that she has no friends, so your mom let her watch Shark Cage on Fox, and now it's time to start Gustavo's Boy Band Boot Camp," Kelly listed off.

Destiny winced. "Ooh, good luck with that."

"So we meet again," Kendall said.

"I didn't know you guys were the ones Gustavo hired."

"You know Gustavo?"

"Sadly, yes. The devil in disguise."

James popped up between Kendall and Destiny. "Nice to meet you. I'm Diamond. James Diamond," he introduced himself. Kelly rolled her eyes at James's flirting, knowing the kind of reaction everyone was about to get.

"Destiny Rocque. Pleasure." Logan and Kendall's mouths flew open while Carlos was still smiling.

James smiled at her. "Destiny. Like us going out together must be destiny?"

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