obesesser ?

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"Baby, I want to ask you something" Aed said make me smile.

"What?" I ask as I lay my head on his chest.

"Can I wear the ring?"

I lift my head to look at him.

"Up to you, I don't mind. It's not like we became unmarried if you didn't wear the ring" I said put back my head on his chest.

"No, I mean, people will talk about it for sure" he said again caress my hair.

"They already know that we already married" I answered uninterested where our talk going

"I mean, this ring is not expensive as you think, I just buy it with my own money at random shop but the quality is good though as you wear it everyday but still look good" I gasp hearing it.

"Seriously?" I take off the ring from my hand and true there's some rust on the ring and on my hand make me look at him disbelief

"The fuck Aed" I said to him as I sit on the bed make him laugh

"well, I want to tell you, but I always forgot" he said make me knotted my eyebrows.

"Why don't even you take it off when you take a bath?"He ask look at me still laying.

I just shrug as I take the wet wipes in the drawer near the bed to clean my hand.

"Why don't you tell me you don't have money for the ring?" I ask as I'm still focusing on cleaning my hand

"I'm shy, I'm the husband but didn't have any money even for just the ring" he said again not looking at me, maybe shy because he feel he have nothing.

I just laugh.

I step down from the bed moving to my closet and take a small box and bring it to bed.

"hey, look at me" I said shaking his body as he still didn't want to look at me.

"Look at me first" I said again and he lift his head to look at me.

"Here" I take his hand and put on the ring that I actually bought before our wedding day with no one know and it has our name and our date of marriage on his ring finger.

"I buy it in case they didn't have ring on the day we change rings, but they have so I just keep it till now" I said

He took the other ring from the box and put it on my finger as his. He kiss my forehead as he said I Love You words.

"It's feel like we get married again" I laugh a little

"And I glad I can say I love you after I put on the ring" he smile look at me fondly.

We hug.

"The next ring, it will be me buy the ring" He said again as we laying back down.

"Aed, why didn't you choose my sister?" I ask

"Still underage, don't wanna be pedophile" he answer make me laugh.

"But, still virgin" I said again make him look at me.

"You don't?"

"hum, had one night stand, had lover and had fling" I answer not really care

"How many?" he ask, weird, maybe he curious

"I have one ex, fling 3 maybe and one night stand I don't remember as I don't really count it" I answer closing my eyes.

"Why I never see the news about you and your ex?" he ask again make me furrows my eyebrows.

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