1 :: I question myself

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Wow, I don't know how to start this..

I'll just introduce the character. Or I'll make him do it.

"Hello, I'm Minano Keyni. I'm 17 and I'm here for a job interview."


"Yes, but I don't think I'll ever be able to make time on holidays.. My mother is quite scary.."


"What..? So, because I can't come in for holidays I'm not getting the job..? Or not the job I signed up for?"


"What job will I be getting then?"


"You can't tell me.? So your tellin' me you're magically cursed.."


"That was sarcasm. Nitwit."


"What ever, not like I came here on my own free will."


Wicked bitch.

That fake bleached blonde hair pushed me into the damn road.. in front of a truck.

If this ends up as one of those dang Wattpad stories imma sue.

Who.. I don't know but I'll do it.

Well, if it is.. I might as well paint the picture for ya.

I'm seeing black and more black. Oh! What's that!? More black.. imagine a pitch black room but the room is nonexistent

Your welcome..

"Δ 𝔥υϻⒶ︎𝓷 s๏υᒪ︎? Oנ.. ί︎𝐓︎'s 𝐓︎Ⓐ︎ᒪ︎Ҝเ︎𝓷ģ 𝐓︎๏ เ︎𝐓︎'s s𝓔︎ᒪ︎F︎. ί︎ 𝓷𝓔︎𝓔︎ᵈ 𝐓︎๏ ģ๏.. ςⒶ︎𝓷'𝐓︎ wⒶ︎s𝐓︎𝓔︎ Ⓐ︎𝓷ⓨ︎ϻ๏я︎𝓔︎ 𝐓︎เ︎ϻ𝓔︎ 𝔥𝓔︎я︎𝓔︎.. Oя︎ ϻⒶ︎ⓨ︎B︎𝓔︎ ί︎ Ć︎๏υᒪ︎ᵈ υs𝓔︎ 𝐓︎𝔥เ︎s s๏ Ⓐ︎ᒪ︎ Ⓐ︎s Ⓐ︎ B︎Ⓐ︎s𝓔︎ F︎๏я︎ ϻⓨ︎ єאקєг︎เ๓єภՇ."

"I don't get is what is so torture like here? Or is this heaven.. And Hell is like pure white and your pupils never dilate so it's like at a constant blinding. And there's voices screaming and all dat...  "

"ሃቿነ ፕዘጎነ ዐክቿነ የቿዪቻቿርፕ."



Ugh.. The beeping sound is back..

Well readers I think it's muffin time.. or time to open my eyes..


It appears I have been reincarnated..

Oh yeah I have to explain what I'm seeing

Well when I opened my eyes I saw a ceiling.. not just any ceiling a wood one.. also those jail like frames around a baby bed.. they were wood to..

I hope I'm a cute baby and I don't look like a bulldog with one eye




I have a feeling this is going to be incredibly boring..



Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.


It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.


If you live to be 70 years old you will spend TEN YEARS of your life on Monday.


When jogging, we put on special clothes so people don't think we are running from or to something.


Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.


"Ah... Minato Namikaze the last of his clan... poor child.."



Words 478

"A human soul? Oh.. it's talking to its self. I need to go.. Can't waste anymore time here.. or maybe I could use this soul as a base for my experiment."


"Yes, this one's perfect."

Reincarnated as Minato Namikaze?!Where stories live. Discover now