"I am poorer than him. my parents are rich." Trishna rolls her eyes, her pottery business was slowly picking up but it wasn't there yet.

Rishabh grins hearing that. "So, when it is potty time, you are escaping."

"Oh no... never." Trishna says shaking her head in shock. "I want a big fat Indian wedding, bhaiyyaji."

"That is on me?" Rishabh asks laughing.

"Obviously." Trishna cheekily tells him.

Madhu and Rishabh chuckles.

"We eloped." Rishabh tells her in a suggesting tone.

"Sorry, no." Trishna tells him.

Few minutes later, Mukund comes.

"He said he was in the labor room with you. How did he do?" Mukund asks anxiously as he looked at the baby.

"He did good." Madhu tells him exasperated. "And if you are mildly curious then even I did good!!!!"

Rishabh chuckles hearing that. "She did amazing." Rishabh says as he lovingly kissed her temple.

"How did you change him so much?" Trishna asks Madhu amazed.

Madhu grins hearing that while Rishabh rolls his eyes.

"But how?" Trishna asks amazed.

"I was his mistress." Madhu replies cheekily.

Rishabh stares at Madhu in shock.

"What?" Trishna asks in shock.

"Mistress?" Mukund asks shocked.

Hearing them, Rishabh stammers, "It's... what I call her... mistress of my heart."

"Oh. How romantic!" Trishna gushes.

"Still mistress? That is so kinky... maybe queen would be more apt." Mukund says feeling weird.

"Yeah, you're right." Rishabh says awkwardly.

"Anyway, let's go. You drop me home." Trishna tells Mukund.

"But I just got here." Mukund reminds her.

"That is okay... you can propose me on the way." Trishna tells him.

"What?" Mukund asks shocked.

"You got her answer, now pop the question." Rishabh tells him chuckling.

Mukund grins hearing that, smiling happy and excited, they both leave.

The moment the door closed, Rishabh turns to Madhu. "We had decided that no third person will know about the mistress and when Arshia was conceived."

"I know... I don't know, I always felt like we should tell them that." Madhu tells him sadly.

"You told them once, now not again."

"Okay." Madhu tells him smiling.

"You never wanted your parents to find out and as long as it is between us, they will never find out." Rishabh promises her.

Madhu nods.

"Did you inform your parents?" Madhu asks softly.

"Yeah... they asked me to take Arshia to their place so they can see her." Rishabh tells.

"I'll be discharged in a day or two, so maybe on our way home..."

Rishabh cuts her off. "Arshia is not even a day old. If they think that she should go to them for them to see her, then they don't have to see her."


4 months later

Madhu stops the car and gets out as she smiled at the security. "I'll leave in five minutes." She promises him.

He smiles at her. "Take your time."

Madhu gives him the car key, in case anyone came and they wanted her car moved.

Madhu walks to Rishabh's office room and opens it to find it empty. Curious, she starts to check with his secretary when one staff noticing her, informs her, "He is in the conference room."

"Thank you." Madhu politely smiles at him and heads to the conference room.

Hearing the door open, Rishabh looks up irately and noticing Madhu, he smiles at her.

"You are early." Rishabh tells her smiling.

Madhu politely smiles at the staff then she walks around the table to Rishabh. "I have a test tomorrow, so Professor gave the last hour free."

"Oh you should have gone home then." Rishabh tells her.

"I'm going. I just came to pick her up." Madhu tells him as she leaned down and kissed a sleeping Arshia in his arms then she slyly holds his hand.

"You go study. I'll bring her when I come home."

"It's okay, I'll take her with me." Madhu tells him. "Did she have her milk?"

"Yeah, she was very hungry today. Only that is left." Rishabh points at the bottle with just ¼ milk left.

Even though her mother and Trishna had offered to watch Arshia while Madhu was in college, they had refused. Arshia was their daughter and their responsibility, so Rishabh brought her to office while Madhu was in college and after college, Madhu would take her home.

Rishabh stands up with Arshia cradled in his arms. "I'll be right back." Rishabh tells his staff as he walked out with Madhu.

"Dad called. They are coming to see Arshia tomorrow." Rishabh tells her.

Madhu nods. Even though her in-laws were still looking down on her, they cared enough for Arshia, that they visited once in a while.

"You sure, you are taking her? Leave her, here with me, and you go study." Rishabh tells her as they reached her car.

"No, I can manage. And anyway, Trishna is there."

"She is not." Rishabh informs her. "I've been getting credit card messages."

Madhu grins. Trishna's parents had refused to accept Mukund, so Mukund and Trishna had decided to get a court marriage, it was Rishabh and she who had insisted that they have a grand wedding.

"I forgot. Since I had been busy, she decided to do the wedding trousseau shopping today and weekend we'll do the bridal clothes shopping." Madhu informs him.

"I'll babysit." Rishabh eagerly tells her as he kept Arshia in the car seat and securely buckled her in.

"I want to get Arshia also nice ethnic wear for the wedding." Madhu tells him. "Even you."

Rishabh sighs in dread. "Times like these, I want to kick myself for talking Trishna out of her plans of a court marriage."

Madhu grins. "Come on, you went shopping for me."

"That was for you." Rishabh tells her grinning.

"Did you know then that we would be married?" Madhu asks him.

Rishabh smiles hearing that. "I never thought I would be happy in life." Rishabh tells her with all his love.

Madhu smiles at him and kisses him on his cheek.

"I'll see you in the evening." Madhu tells him.

"Tonight you are studying." Rishabh tells her.

Madhu glares at him.

"Love you." Rishabh tells her grinning.

"Love you." Madhu says smiling happily at him.


That is the end to this story.

I am not happy with this story, but since I started it, I wanted to finish posting it.

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- Lazy

Rishabala FF : Mistress Duology 2 - Mistress of His HeartWhere stories live. Discover now