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lovingthosebaseBALLS - bruce

prettymuchnothere- griffin

daddyissueswithnomom - finney

                                                                                 MOLDY FRUITS GC

lovingthosebaseBALLS: bro.. WE START SCHOOL TMRW !!

daddyissueswithnomom: brucey, my pookie how did you forget :(

prettymuchnothere: naw mans happy bc he literally has vance in all of his classes-

lovingthosebaseBALLS: GRIFFY <33 respectfully stfu 😒

prettymuchnothere: fr getting bullied. no ones safe out here. 

daddyissueswithnomom: my bullies finna come out in no time- 🫢

daddyissueswithnomom: oh well ig i just will die this year

lovingthosebaseBALLS: griffin how tf do we have a class together if your one grade below me-

prettymuchnothere: the princeaple told me i would be in a few 11th grade classes bc im just that smart- 😛

daddyissueswithnomom: you just spelled principle wrong

prettymuchnothere: kys.

lovingthosebaseBALLS: alright now calm down. its like 1am-

daddyissueswithnomom: oh yeah

daddyissueswithnomom: WELP IM GOING TO BED GN COCK SUCKERS !!

prettymuchnothere: gn robin simp

lovingthosebaseBALLS: gnnn

                                          THE NEXT DAY

lovingthosebaseBALLS: bro where tf are yall, im at the gates

prettymuchnothere: bitch 🤚 give me a second

lovingthosebaseBALLS: wtf are you doing-?

prettymuchnothere: saying bye to my brother??? ☹️

daddyissueswithnomom: YOU HAVE A BROTHER???

prettymuchnothere: yeah..? thought i told you😞

lovingthosebaseBALLS: WHO?????

prettymuchnothere: im not telling you🙄

lovingthosebaseBALLS: damn okay.

daddyissueswithnomom: GUYS CLASS IS STARTING

everyone went offline


bruce put away his phone just as the teacher walked in. he was all giddy because he knew he had vance in all his classes, however he had third with griffin, fifth with finney, and 8th period with both of them.

 "Alright class, welcome to your first day, i will be assigning seats soon." she said in her loud booming voice. he was secretly praying that he got sat by vance. "bruce, vance, this table." the said looking at them as he got up. they were sat near the back of the class. vance, who attended today, walked over. 


short kickoff chapter!!

little bit of brance 👀

hope you enjoyed!!

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