Annamarie 2

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 It is Monday today, its not English today, which means no Mrs. Bulle. I haven't seen Mrs. Bulle since Friday I hugged her a goodbye and a congratulations on her new baby. I still miss her though. Its still raining as I am walking to math, I hate math I mean I'm surprised I got it this far in high school with basically having the math IQ of a 7th or 8th grader, no matter the age math has always stressed me out. I walked into Mrs.Y's classroom her classroom is located in a portable, I feel trapped in portables there is just a small window and its cramped and stuffy.

 Mrs. Y never really teaches the class she just tells us the work we need to do and has us do it. It is a little hard for me to work in groups, I just feel really socially awakard. My groups members  consist of a girl named Carly, Alexis and Scotty. Mrs. Y assigned the textbook work and quite frankly I have no idea how to do it. I doubt my members will help me hence the following conversation.

 ''Alexis you went to Dartmouth for middle school right?'' Scotty started.

I saw Alexis nod. I didn't go to Dartmouth but I feel like that would be weird if I added that.

''You remember Mr. Knipe right?''

''Yeah, he was the choir teacher right?'' Scotty didn't let her finish.

 ''Well lost my shit when I heard this. He was literally on the news last night literally giving ''the brownies'' to the  Dartmouth kids and last year's freshman.''

''Wait fr he got caught?''

 I was getting stressed hearing this banter between Alexis and Scotty.

 ''Do you guys have the answer for 3 and 4a, I really don't understand it?''

There was no answer.

''No Alexis they let a grown man slide for giving giving minors edibles, of course he got caught I even saw the live footage of him getting arrested.''

They kept talking.

''Please guys, I need help.''

''OH MY GOSH DUDE TF YOU WANT?'' Scotty then threw his hands up in the air.

Carly then interjected.

''Scotty don't be an ass, I can help you Annamarie.'' I am very glad Carly offered her help, quite grateful for that.

She turned in her chair.

''Okay, so you understand absolute value right Annamarie?'

'' Sadly I have absolulty no clue.''

''Carly, just give me the book if she doesn't get it, she doesn't get it we cant teach her a whole ass new topic, she should have remembered this from her freshman year.''

''Alexis, I know she's bad at math but she can still......''

 I was plugging my ears to block out the sound and conflict, I felt a discomfort in my head and feeling like I was unable to breathe. The sounds in the classroom where getting louder and louder and my heart was pounding.I grabbed my backpack and bolted out of the dumb portable. The rain was pouring down hard and I was quite frankly I had an umbrella but at least I had a nice jacket.

 I started to quicken my pace, my heart was beating faster, I was having shallow breaths and I felt an uncomfortable amount of saliva in my mouth. I was trying to get away from the [portables and into the quad. I made my way to the Spanish wing and I know some people were outside of their classes roaming about. My eyes were darting everywhere until I found some sort of grass path, but the closest I got to that was a foot of dirt near the dance room door. I made my way to the patch of dirt, but before I could even bend down or move my ponytail out of the way, a putrid slime erupted out of my mouth. I heard footsteps running in the background. I had a sense that it was my history teacher behind me Ms. Zirbes, I just had a sense, so glad she was coming to my aide but I guess a bit embrassing for your favorite teacher seeing you at your literal worse.

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