Chapter One- Friday

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, we're late!" Yukito stuttered, and he stumbled into the classroom, just barely staying on his feet. Several people snickered in amusement at him.

"Shut it," I said in a low voice, and all the laughter disappeared. Yukito whispered a "thanks" to me, and we sat down in our seats. Just then, the teacher walked in.

"Just in time," I muttered to myself. Our teacher walked to the front of the room.

"Hey, everyone!" he said. "I have a special announcement for you all. Our school is having a dance! The past few years, we haven't found a place to use for this special occasion. However, your classmate, Akizuki, told us that we could use her house for the dance!" I cringed. Akizuki?! Of all people!

Yukito leaned over to me. "A dance!" he whispered with a huge grin plastered on his face. "If you're not planning to ask any girls or whatnot, would you like to go with me?" H-huh?! How can this guy be so chill while saying something like that?!

"Uh... yeah, sure," I stuttered.

"You don't have to just say that, Touya," Yukito said. "If you're planning on asking your special someone to the dance, then you should ask her instead of going with me." 'Her'?

I shook my head. "No. I'm going to go with you." I said firmly.

"Boys!" our teacher scolded. "Please don't talk while I am! Anyways, I'm going to hand each of you a flyer with more information about the dance. Don't lose this piece of paper!" Our teacher walked around the room and handed each student a flyer.

When he reached my desk, he leaned down and whispered, "Seriously, you need to stop talking in my class, you hear me? You and your boyfr- Yukito, I mean, can talk AFTER class, not during it." My teacher then handed me the paper with all the information about the dance, and he walked away.

"I'm sorry," I heard Yukito say. I turned around.

"For what?" I asked.

Yukito shook his head. "For getting you in trouble!"

"Yuki," I sighed.


"You can calm down, you know," I told him. "It's not that big of a deal."

Yukito started to argue back. "Yeah, but-"

"Yuki..." I reached my hand out and pinched his cheek. "It's okay. We're just going to get in more trouble if we keep bantering." I smirked. "So, stop whining." Yukito smiled. I let go of his cheek and turned back to the front

"The school dance will be in exactly one week," our teacher announced. Great, I thought to myself. Seven days to learn how to dance.

After our final class of the day ended, Yukito and I left the school building.

"What are you going to wear?" he asked me while we were walking to my house.


"To the dance, I mean," he said. "Do you have a tuxedo or something?"

I laughed nervously. "Haha... not exactly..."

"Oh, dear!" Yukito giggled. "Well, knowing you, you'll be able to figure it out!"

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