《Season 3》Yes. It's Not Over...

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Yeah, I'm doing it. again. And be doing this series for a long time to come. I have planned many, and I mean. MANY other spinoffs/ side stories. not to mention the other seasons after season 3. Yall are gonna follow their whole lives. or at least, I am.

I just went back and read through my first chapter in this series and jeez... it's really bad. A long time ago I thought about rewriting it, but honestly, I can't really be bothered. Besides these stories, I use these characters a lot. So I don't really feel like reworking their entire past. I won't change much, except maybe some timing and overall writing style, and yeah, I'm not in the mood for that, not now at least. maybe when I've finished the story fully.

So back to what this was about. Now that I've finished [Wolf Bite] I can finally come back to my boys :3. I still have some other projects but this one I wanna do first. mostly because I broke them up and can't stand it anymore, I need them to make up, so look forward to that 

And not only that, season two will focus on some side characters too. mostly Cole. And we'll meet some new characters as well. 

So I'm really looking forward to starting it, that's why I'm writing this right now because I just spent an hour planning the first few chapters. so hopefully they'll be here very soon. I'm aiming for the end of 2022, but it might be a little later, it is December after all, and besides planning, I'm not that in the mood to start the actual writing, yet. 

Ok now I'm really done, bye everyone who reads my things, I love you, thank you so much!

See you in season 3 !!!

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