Is he the one?

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Part 2
(1st person POV)

His friends then proceeded to jump up holding his shoulders, while laughing with him, before he could finish his sentence. One looked at me and elbowed him a bit just into his side.
"Woah, this your girlfriend Gomez?", the friend of his chuckled a bit.
Looking into his eyes, he smiled a bit. It was a gorgeous, beautiful, pretty smile.
"Shut up.", he chuckled a bit, "are you new? i haven't seen you around before.", he proceeded.
I snapped out of my long stare into his emerald-green, mesmerising eyes.
"Yes, yes i am", i replied quickly. I didn't know what to say, he was gorgeous. His friends laughed slightly seeing him stare into my eyes. "Yeah, well sorry about that you alright?", he asked, after a few seconds of staring.
I nodded, shocked. Did he like me back? Or do i even like him?
"Well, Gomez will see you around.. uh, what's your name again?", one of his friends said.
"Y/N" I replied.
"Y/N, okay, well yeah i'm sure he'll see you around.", the boy replied, elbowing Gomez, trying to give him the hint i was falling for him. I just nodded, i had no clue what to say, while this gorgeous boy was staring right at me. It only took me a few seconds to start walking away, in the corner of my eye i saw his friends surrounding him, pushing him slightly. Is he the one? Or am i dreaming?

End of part 2

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